ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020

icon02.09.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 408, icon0

Сторінка 51
9. Відсортуй їх. Короткий чи довгий?
- Naughty, clever
- Quiet, pretty
- Shy, weak
- Kind, rude
- Brave, funny
- Lazy, sporty
- Bossy, tidy
- Polite, selfish
- Intelligent
- Curious
- Aggressive
- Helpful
- Patient
- Boring
Сторінка 52
10. Використайте прикметники із завдання 9 для порівняння хлопців та дівчат.
Girls are
Than boys
Boys are
More aggressive
Than girls
11. Використовуйте правильну форму слів у дужках.
1. Iсе cream is tastier than soup.
2. America is bigger than England.
3. In summer, longer the days are than in winter.
4. Jungles are more dangerous than farms.
5. Canada is colder than Australia.
6. Oceans are deeper than seas.
7. Travelling by plane is more expensive than travelling by bus.
8. An elephant is heavier than a horse.
12. Запишіть пропущені букви.
13. Напишіть правильну дату.
Christmas is on the 7th of january.
Halloween is on the 31st of of October.
April Fools Day is on the 1st of April.
The first day of spring is on the 1st of March.
The first day of autumn is on the 1st of September.
Сторінка 53
14. Земля запрошує вас на день народження. Заповніть запрошення. Використовуйте слова та цифри з рамки.
Birthday invitation
Dear 22704330
Come to rhy birthday party on 22nd April at 6 p.m.
The address is 3 Solar System Road.
Bring some CDs.
Please, email me or call me on 21st of April if you can come. Earth
15. Напишіть запрошення на свій день народження. Birthday invitation Dear Taras
Come to my birthday party on 7th of June at 5 p.m.
The address is 15 Shevchenko Street, Apt 1
Bring some CDs and good mood.
Please, inform me the day before if you can come.
Regards, Dmytro.
Сторінка 54
1. Пошук слів.
Can you find:
Three continents: Antarctica, Africa, Europe.
Three countries: Ukraine, Croatia, China.
Three cities: London, Vatican City, New York.
Three ceans: the Atlantis, the Indian, the Pacific.
Three rivers: the Amazon, the Mississippi, the Nile.
Two deserts: the Atacama, the Sahara.
Four animals: chimpanzee, cheetah, frog, lion.
Сторінка 55
2. Вгадай місце і напиши.
1. Vatican City.
2. Antarctica.
3. Africa.
4. London.
5. New York.
6. Pacific Ocean.
7. China.
8. The Nile.
9. The Sahara
3. Зіставте та скопіюйте high mountain tall tree deep ocean long river low temperature popular sight intelligent animal
4. Який чудовий? nice -> the nicest
tasty -> the tastiest
difficult -> the most difficult
short > the shortest
expensive -> the most expensive
dirty -> the dirtiest
helpful -> the most helpful
big -> the biggest
5. Використовуйте правильну форму кожного слова в дужках.
1. Mr Jordan is the most boring neighbour in my street.
2. Geography is the той interesting subject because we learn a lot of amazing things about our planet.
3. Travelling by plane is the fastest way to get from Ukraine to Australia. 4. My brother is the clumsiest person in my family.
5. Who is the most popular actor in Hollywood?
6. Autumn is usually the wettest season.
7. It's my birthday today and I am the happiest person on Earth.
8. The first day of winter is the shortest day in the year, and the first day of spring is the longest.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
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