ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 382,
Сторінка 56
6. З'ясуйте це.
Who is the fastest? -> Pete
Who is the slowest? -> Mike
Who is the most hard-working? -> Josh
Who is the laziest? -> Nigel
7. Книга рекордів Гіннеса - це дивовижна книга, де ви можете прочитати про всілякі рекорди.
Використовуйте свою фантазію і вигадуйте найкориснішу у світі річ або найбожевїльніший світовий рекорд. Намалюй його.
The world's most useless thing is «Diet water»
Сторінка 57
8. Ідея проекту
Організуйте класну виставку своїх малюнків та ідей.
Сторінка 58
1. Прочитайте і вгадайте, що це за вечірка.
This costume is wonderful! So scary! > a fancy dress party.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, Happy -> a New Year's Eve party.
Turn off the light. He's coming. Surprise!!! -> a surprise party.
Here is a present for you. And many happy returns! > a birthday party.
Would you like some milk and some sugar? -> a tea party
2. У комплекті з пропущеними словами.
Nigel's friends have prepared a surprise party for Nigel. There are balloons and banners all around. Everybody is proud of Nigel because he is the winner of the quiz. They are singing a song. For he's a jolly good fellow. For Nigel it is worse being in a studio in front of the cameras and an audience than being at the blackboard in Mr Finch's class. The worst thing is when you give the wrong answer.
Children have got a present for Nigel. It's a book. «The amazing World of Animals». Nigel's prize is a trip to the country of his choice. He would like to go to Australia because people Say it's one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Сторінка 59
3. Використовуйте правильні форми слів у дужках.
is the best pupil in our class,
2. This is the worst computer game in the world.
3. Eating fruit is better than eating only hamburgers.
4. I am worse at football than at basketball.
5. What is the worst food you have ever tasted?
6. Hannah is my best friend.
4. ЧИ можете ви назвати одну тварину на кожну літеру алфавіту?
А – alligator
В - bird
С - cat
D - dog
Е - elephant
F - frog
G - giraffe
H - horse
I - iguana
J - jellyfish
К - kangaroo L - lion
M - monkey
N - narwhal
О - owl
P - penguin
Q - quail
R - rabbit
S - snake
T - tiger
U - urchin
V - vulture
W - wolf
X - X-ray fish
Y - yak
Z - zebra
Сторінка 60
5. Вирішить кросворд.
ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
6. З'ясуйте це.
Who is the fastest? -> Pete
Who is the slowest? -> Mike
Who is the most hard-working? -> Josh
Who is the laziest? -> Nigel
7. Книга рекордів Гіннеса - це дивовижна книга, де ви можете прочитати про всілякі рекорди.
Використовуйте свою фантазію і вигадуйте найкориснішу у світі річ або найбожевїльніший світовий рекорд. Намалюй його.
The world's most useless thing is «Diet water»
Сторінка 57
8. Ідея проекту
Організуйте класну виставку своїх малюнків та ідей.
Сторінка 58
1. Прочитайте і вгадайте, що це за вечірка.
This costume is wonderful! So scary! > a fancy dress party.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, Happy -> a New Year's Eve party.
Turn off the light. He's coming. Surprise!!! -> a surprise party.
Here is a present for you. And many happy returns! > a birthday party.
Would you like some milk and some sugar? -> a tea party
2. У комплекті з пропущеними словами.
Nigel's friends have prepared a surprise party for Nigel. There are balloons and banners all around. Everybody is proud of Nigel because he is the winner of the quiz. They are singing a song. For he's a jolly good fellow. For Nigel it is worse being in a studio in front of the cameras and an audience than being at the blackboard in Mr Finch's class. The worst thing is when you give the wrong answer.
Children have got a present for Nigel. It's a book. «The amazing World of Animals». Nigel's prize is a trip to the country of his choice. He would like to go to Australia because people Say it's one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Сторінка 59
3. Використовуйте правильні форми слів у дужках.
is the best pupil in our class,
2. This is the worst computer game in the world.
3. Eating fruit is better than eating only hamburgers.
4. I am worse at football than at basketball.
5. What is the worst food you have ever tasted?
6. Hannah is my best friend.
4. ЧИ можете ви назвати одну тварину на кожну літеру алфавіту?
А – alligator
В - bird
С - cat
D - dog
Е - elephant
F - frog
G - giraffe
H - horse
I - iguana
J - jellyfish
К - kangaroo L - lion
M - monkey
N - narwhal
О - owl
P - penguin
Q - quail
R - rabbit
S - snake
T - tiger
U - urchin
V - vulture
W - wolf
X - X-ray fish
Y - yak
Z - zebra
Сторінка 60
5. Вирішить кросворд.
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