ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 382,
Сторінка 126
1. Відсортуйте.
- instructor
- explorer
- soldier
- painter
- composer
- the news
- soap opera
- sitcom
- documentary
- cartoon
Places in Town
- bakery
- mall
- garage
- theatre
- surgery
- measles
- sore throat
- runny nose
- cough
- toothache
- foggy
- snow
- storm
- windy
- cloudy
- rainy
2. Обведіть і напишіть правильну орфограму.
- cried
- hilarious
- bandage
- headache
- activities
- sandwiches
- hammer
- village
- matches
Сторінка 127
3. Зіставте та перепишіть.
rock - climbing
first -> aid
ancient -> Rome
stomach -> ache
camp -> fire
talk -> snow
post -> office
school -> trip
1. Виберіть правильні слова.
1. It was very cold yesterday.
2. Were you cautious during that dangerous activity?
3. My uncle and aunt weren't at home yesterday.
4. I was in Sydney a long time ago.
5. Were the children at the circus on Saturday?
6. Mike wasn't at school last week.
7. Was Betty in your class last year?
8. The test on wasn't difficult.
2. Чого не вистачає?
- work
- enjoy
- break
- eat
- make
- try
- cry
- see
- worked
- enjoyed
- broke
- ate
- made
- tried
- cried
- saw
- watch
- stop
- give
- write
- take
- fall
- play
- prepare
- watched
- stopped
- gave
- wrote
- took
- fell
- played
- prepared
Сторінка 128
3. Доповніть речення правильними формами слів у дужках.
1. Jim visited his grandmother in hospital yesterday.
2. The Watsons invited us to a party last night.
3. Everybody laughed at Mike's jokes.
4. We wanted to go to the museum but it was closed.
1. Tom and Tim ate 10 hamburgers.
2. We went to the NBA basketball match.
3. Last month I read five books.
4. Sarah lost her mobile phone somewhere in the park.
4. Розставте слова у правильному порядку.
1. Му sister did not go to school on Monday.
2. Why did Belinda come home so late last night?
3. We did not repair our car after the accident.
4. Did you buy a present for your friend yesterday?
5. Поставте слова у множині.
six boxes; two stories; two microphones; four policemen; ten babies; five windows.
Сторінка 129
1. Прочитайте, а потім дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. She lived in Boston.
2. Because it wasn't her book.
3. He received two letters.
4. He got nothing.
5. 736 minutes.
6. Pizza is Pamela's favourite food.
1. The stork invited the fox to have dinner.
2. The fox accepted the invitation.
3. The stork served dinner in a very long-necked jar.
4. The fox did not eat anything because the jar was too narrow.
5. The stork did not apologise.
6. A fox invited a stork to have dinner.
7. The fox served some soup in a shallow dish.
8. The stork couldn't eat from such a dish and remained hungry.
Сторінка 130
1. Робота в групах. Уявіть, що ви людина з минулого. Поговоріть про своє життя. Ваші друзі повинні здогадатися, хто ви.
I lived in 20th century. I was a rocket engineer and spacecraft designer. I was born in Zhytomyr.
1. Складіть коротку історію. Ці запитання можуть вам допомогти.
Once upon a Time there was a girl who was all alone. She lived in the old house. She only had a cat as a friend. But she was never sad.
She did not know who were her parents and how did she in this house. But one day, when she was near the river she saw one young boy. He was a prince and he told her to go with him to his kingdom. But the parents of the prince did not like the girl from the forest and toiler to go back.
The prince decided to leave his kingdom and to go to the forest. He repaired the old house, they got married and had 3 kids. And they lived happily ever after.
ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
1. Відсортуйте.
- instructor
- explorer
- soldier
- painter
- composer
- the news
- soap opera
- sitcom
- documentary
- cartoon
Places in Town
- bakery
- mall
- garage
- theatre
- surgery
- measles
- sore throat
- runny nose
- cough
- toothache
- foggy
- snow
- storm
- windy
- cloudy
- rainy
2. Обведіть і напишіть правильну орфограму.
- cried
- hilarious
- bandage
- headache
- activities
- sandwiches
- hammer
- village
- matches
Сторінка 127
3. Зіставте та перепишіть.
rock - climbing
first -> aid
ancient -> Rome
stomach -> ache
camp -> fire
talk -> snow
post -> office
school -> trip
1. Виберіть правильні слова.
1. It was very cold yesterday.
2. Were you cautious during that dangerous activity?
3. My uncle and aunt weren't at home yesterday.
4. I was in Sydney a long time ago.
5. Were the children at the circus on Saturday?
6. Mike wasn't at school last week.
7. Was Betty in your class last year?
8. The test on wasn't difficult.
2. Чого не вистачає?
- work
- enjoy
- break
- eat
- make
- try
- cry
- see
- worked
- enjoyed
- broke
- ate
- made
- tried
- cried
- saw
- watch
- stop
- give
- write
- take
- fall
- play
- prepare
- watched
- stopped
- gave
- wrote
- took
- fell
- played
- prepared
Сторінка 128
3. Доповніть речення правильними формами слів у дужках.
1. Jim visited his grandmother in hospital yesterday.
2. The Watsons invited us to a party last night.
3. Everybody laughed at Mike's jokes.
4. We wanted to go to the museum but it was closed.
1. Tom and Tim ate 10 hamburgers.
2. We went to the NBA basketball match.
3. Last month I read five books.
4. Sarah lost her mobile phone somewhere in the park.
4. Розставте слова у правильному порядку.
1. Му sister did not go to school on Monday.
2. Why did Belinda come home so late last night?
3. We did not repair our car after the accident.
4. Did you buy a present for your friend yesterday?
5. Поставте слова у множині.
six boxes; two stories; two microphones; four policemen; ten babies; five windows.
Сторінка 129
1. Прочитайте, а потім дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. She lived in Boston.
2. Because it wasn't her book.
3. He received two letters.
4. He got nothing.
5. 736 minutes.
6. Pizza is Pamela's favourite food.
1. The stork invited the fox to have dinner.
2. The fox accepted the invitation.
3. The stork served dinner in a very long-necked jar.
4. The fox did not eat anything because the jar was too narrow.
5. The stork did not apologise.
6. A fox invited a stork to have dinner.
7. The fox served some soup in a shallow dish.
8. The stork couldn't eat from such a dish and remained hungry.
Сторінка 130
1. Робота в групах. Уявіть, що ви людина з минулого. Поговоріть про своє життя. Ваші друзі повинні здогадатися, хто ви.
I lived in 20th century. I was a rocket engineer and spacecraft designer. I was born in Zhytomyr.
1. Складіть коротку історію. Ці запитання можуть вам допомогти.
Once upon a Time there was a girl who was all alone. She lived in the old house. She only had a cat as a friend. But she was never sad.
She did not know who were her parents and how did she in this house. But one day, when she was near the river she saw one young boy. He was a prince and he told her to go with him to his kingdom. But the parents of the prince did not like the girl from the forest and toiler to go back.
The prince decided to leave his kingdom and to go to the forest. He repaired the old house, they got married and had 3 kids. And they lived happily ever after.
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