ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020

icon02.09.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 408, icon0

Сторінка 71
2. Напишіть "Т", якщо твердження відповідає дійсності, або "F", якщо воно хибне.
1. Cheetahs can run 120 km/h. - "T"
2. Cheetahs live in Asia. - "F"
3. They have 200 - 300 spots. - "F"
4.Their tail helps theripwhen they run. - "T"
5аіп zoos they can live up to 10 years. - "F"
1. Ви на безлюдному острові. Ви зовсім самі. Напишіть повідомлення другові / вашим батькам / комусь, хто може вас врятувати.
Му name is Taras. I am on the desert island in the Pacific Ocean. This is jungle-covered island. We were diving but I got lost after the storm. We were at Costa Rican Park first, so it must be close to it.
Сторінка 73
1. а) Виберіть і поставте галочку на правильному годиннику.
|7 : 15| It's fifteen past seven am.
|21 : 52| It's eight minutes to ten in the evening.
|16 : 30| It's half past fourth the afternoon.
|6 : 00| It's six am.
|2 : 45| It's a quarter to three am.
|20 : 00| It's eight pm.
b) Напишіть.
|23:30| -> it's half past eleven p.m.
|11:30| -> It's half past eleven a.m.
|1:45| -> It's a quarter to two a.m.
|13:15| It's quarter to two p.m.
|17:38| -> It's twenty-two minutes to six p.m.
|5:20| -> It's twenty minutes past five a.m.
|18:00І -> It's six p.m.
|9:45| -> It's a quarter to ten a.m.
2. Відсортуйте слова з коробки.
on - Wednesday 4th February
in - the morning the evening the afternoon
at - 11:30 p.m. night
Сторінка 74
3. Помістіть ці фрази назад до щоденника Кеті.
Dear Diary,
I am so bored. Every day I write the same thing because every day is the same.
... The early bird catches the worm!
I quickly get ready and I have breakfast - a cup of cocoa and two cookies. ... Every single morning he talks about hiы сomputer games and his highest scores.
At school it's always the same old story. Pupils make a lot of noise and teachers get angry. Mrs Pitt tells old jokes and I daydream during my classes.
As soon as I get home from school I do my homework.
... My sister sings in front of the mirror the whole afternoon. No wonder her marks are not brilliant!
... On weekdays I go to bed at 9.30. And of course my parents never forget to say, "Brush your teethі well
Just for one day I would life to do something different. I would like to travel around the in a hot air balloon. ..., I would like to fly with Peter Pan.
Sweet dreams. ...
Сторінка 75
4. Знайдіть зв'язані слова. З'єднайте.
to the cinema -> go
to school -> go
to music school -> go
out -> go
your homework -> do
the shopping -> do
get <- ready
get <- up
get <- dressed
rave <- lunch
rave <- breakfast
rave <- dinner
rave <- fun
5. Розставте слоёв у правильному порядку.
1. Му parents go to work early every morning.
2. I have dinner at 5 o'clock every day.
3. We go to the mountains every summer.
4. Mary plays computer games in the afternoon.
5. Once a week pupils paint and draw at school.
6. My dad watches TV news every evening.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
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