ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon48 447, icon2

Unit 14. Out and about.
Сторінка 60
Vocabulary and reading.
1. Circle the odd word out.
1 - plane; 2 - taxi; 3 - underground; 4 - boat.
2. Write the words from Exercise 1 under the picture.
1 - tram; 2 - underground; 3 - bike; 4 - trolleybus; 5 - plane; 6 - coach; 7 - boat; 8 - bus; 9 - taxi; 10 - car; 11 - funicular.
3. Read the text. Find four ways to travel around New York.
Underground, taxi, bike, on foot.
Нью-Йорк сповнений життя, люди називають його «містом, яке ніколи не спить». У будь-який час доби ви бачите людей, які йдуть до своїх офісів, чекають таксі або йдуть до кінотеатру, театру чи ресторану. У такому місті, як Нью-Йорк, є багато способів подорожувати. Один шлях - підземний. Підземка Нью-Йорка називається «Метро». Він має 27 ліній і 472 станції - більше, ніж будь-який інший у світі! Метро швидко доставить вас містом, але воно дуже завантажене. Ви також можете подорожувати Нью-Йорком на одному зі знаменитих жовтих таксі. Американці називають це «кебе». Таке є скрізь, але вони можуть бути дорогими, і вам іноді доводиться довго чекати на одне. Ще один спосіб пересування містом - велосипед, але це не завжди безпечно, оскільки дороги завантажені. Якщо ви вважаєте, що їздити Нью-Йорком на велосипеді надто небезпечно, спробуйте найкращий спосіб пересування - пішки! Прогулянка по Нью-Йорку - справжня пригода.
4. Read the text again. Answer the questions.
1.What do people call New York? - the city that never sleeps;
2.What is the New York underground called? - the Subway;
3.How many lines has it got? - 27;
4.How many stations has it got? - 472;
5.What colour are the taxis in New York? - yellow;
6.What are taxis called in New York? - cabs;
7.Which is the best way of getting around the city? - on foot.
Сторінка 61
1. Write sentences with because.
1.Laura plays football with her friends because she likes it.
2.Sophie leaves home at 8.30 because the bus leaves at 8.40.
3.Martin takes great photos because he has got a new camera.
4.Janina does her homework every day because she is a good student.
5.Gina is making a sandwich because she is hungry,
6.Maddie is at the concert because she likes the singer.
7. I walk to school because I don't like catching the bus.
8.My sister goes swimming every day because she enjoys it,
2. Choose the correct words.
1.We can go to the swimming pool and /or/ but the shopping centre.
We haven't got time to go swimming and shopping.
2.My brother would like to go the park or but my sister wants to see the castle.
3.After school, I do my homework but talk to my friends online.
4.Sam wants to go the cinema but he isn't feeling very well.
5.Lily, do you want a cheese or a chicken sandwich?
6.I'd like a cheese and tomato pizza please but a glass of water.
7.It's OK, we've got time to go the museum and the concert!
8.My brother's got a smartphone but I haven’t got one. I think they're boring.
9.Would you like a glass of apple juice or orange juice?
3. Complete the text with because, and, but or or.
Hello everyone! It's a beautiful day in the city. Today I'm in London with my friends: Toni, Angelo, Bea and Katie. Ali isn't here because she isn't feeling very well. We're taking lots of photos!
Bea and Toni have got great digital cam eras, but I'm using my smartphone! This is a photo of Big Ben!
Angelo says we've got time to do one more thing before we have to catch our train back to Brighton. We can go to the Tate Modern museum or the British Museum, but I want to go to the Tate Modern museum and the British Museum! Hmm, where shall we go?
Сторінка 62
Vocabulary and Listening
1. Look at the pictures. Complete the text with the words in the box.
My name's Michelle. After school I sometimes go to the park with my friend. Sasha. But we never go swimming because I don't like the water. I often meet my dad at six o'clock on Friday evening and we go running. He's really fast! At the weekends, I sometimes visit a museum or I go shopping with my parents and we go to a restaurant for lunch. I always take my camera because I want to meet a famous person. In the evening I go out with my friends. We often go to the cinema to see a film.
2. Complete the table with vocabulary from Exercise 1. Some words and phrases can go in more than one place.
go: running, shopping, swimming;
go out with: my dad, my friends;
go to: the park, a museum, a restaurant; meet: a famous person, my friends, my dad; visit: a museum, my friends, my dad;
see: a famous person, my dad, my friends, a film.
3. Listen to Will's conversations with four friends. Who is in hospital? Who doesn't like tennis?
Emily's sister Marta is in hospital. George doesn't like tennis.
4. Listen again. Look at Will's diary. Tick the right answer.
Saturday pm: visit Marta;
Sunday am: go swimming;
Sunday pm: go to the cinema.
5. Listen again. Complete the sentences.
Meet James outside the park at ten o'clock. Meet Emily outside the shop at two o'clock.
Meet Freddie in the café near the swimming pool at eleven o'clock.
Meet 8eth outside the cinema at half past three.
Сторінка 63
1. Match to make conversations.
1. Let's play football tomorrow morning! - b. Yes, that's a good idea. I've got a new ball!
2. Shall we go swimming after school? - a. Sorry, I can't, I've got an important tennis match, it starts at four o'clock.
3. Let's go to the cinema this afternoon! - f. I'd love to. I want to see the new Batman film.
4. Let's go to London on Saturday morning! - c. Sorry, I can't. I've got to visit my grandparents in Scotland,
5. Shall we go shopping tomorrow? - e. Yes, that's a good idea. Let's buy some clothes.
6. Shall we go to the museum this afternoon? - d, Yes, that’s a good idea. I'd like to see the new paintings.
2. Complete the conversations with Let's or Shall we.
Tom: Let's meet after school on Friday. We can go swimming.
Liam; Sorry, I can’t on Friday. Shall we go on Saturday morning?
Tom: OK!
Ana: Shall we have lunch in the cafe tomorrow?
Maria: I'd love to!
Ana: Let's meet outside the station at 12.00.
Maria: Great! See you tomorrow!
Hasan: I'm bored!
Jon: Shall we go to the cinema?
Hasan: That's a good idea! Let's go to the new one next to the museum. Jon: Sure.
3. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
Liu: Let's go to the cafe after school.
Valeria: Sorry, I can’t. I've got English club.
Liu: OK. Shall we go shopping on Saturday?
Valeria: Yes, that's a good idea. I want to buy some new jeans! Liu; Great! Let's meet at 10.30 outside the station, Valeria: OK. See you there!
1. Read the text. Answer the questions.
1. When does Mia go to museums with her friends? - She goes to museums with her friends on Saturday afternoons.
2.What does Mia like doing on Saturday evenings? - She likes going to concerts or the cinema with her friends.
3. What does Mia's family eat for breakfast on Saturday mornings? - They eat pancakes.
4. Does Mia's family always eat at the same Italian restaurant on Sundays? - No, they don't. They sometimes eat at a different restaurant. 5. What does Mia's family do on Sunday evenings? - They watch films. Я люблю вихідні! Це мій улюблений час тижня, тому що мені не потрібно йти до школи. Я багато чого роблю з друзями на вихідних. У нас по суботах є лар у кафе. Ми йдемо по магазинах або йдемо в музей вдень. А ще ми іноді любимо ходити суботнім вечором на концерти чи в кіно. Але вихідні - це не тільки мої друзі. Це дуже важливий час і для моєї родини. У суботу вранці ми всі разом снідаємо. Говоримо про тиждень і плани на вихідні. Тато готує млинці і всі їх люблять! У неділю ми завжди ХОДИМО пообідати в хороший ресторан у місті. Зазвичай ми їдемо до італійського закладу, але інколи пробуємо кудись інакше. Мені подобаються ці обіди з родиною. У неділю ввечері ми часто сідаємо разом у вітальні і дивимося фільм. Обирати плівку можна дуже довго! Тато любить фільми, які змушують його сміятися. Мама любить фільми про історію, а ми з братом віддаємо перевагу фільмам про науку та майбутнє!
2. Write about your family's weekend. Use the text in Exercise 1 to help you.
My favourite time of the week is the weekend. I do not go to school and can stay in bed till afternoon. But I do so very rare, only in a rainy weather. Most of the time I spend with my friends in the park or with family on a picnic. We try to visit new places that's why we travel a lot on weekends. It is a nice chance to spend much time with family.

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