ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon48 447, icon2

Unit 13. Places
Сторінка 54
Vocabulary and Reading
1. Look at the photos. Write the words.
1 - sugar; 2 - spoon; 3 - cup; 4 - salt; 5 - pepper; 6 - bowl; 7 - fork; 8 - plate; 9 - knife; 10 - glass.
2. Complete the table with the words from Exercise 1.
for foo : spoon, bowl, fork, plate, knife;
for drink: cup; glass;
things to put on food : salt, pepper, sugar.
3. Read the email. Who is at the cafe?
Beth, her mum, dad and brother,
Привіт Лара, Дякую за твій електронний лист. Концерт звучить чудово! Ви можете надіслати мені фотографії, на яких ви з братом на концерті? Дякую! Ну, я зараз у відпустці в Італії з батьками. Ми в Неаполі! Я тут чудово проводжу час. Вранці дивимося на старі будівлі. Мама робить багато-багато фотографій. Її дуже цікавлять старі будівлі. Ви можете побачити їх у моєму Instagram. Ми щодня їмо піцу та морозиво на обід - мммм! Вдень ми йдемо купатися, тому що тут дуже жарко. Я теж іноді читаю. У мене з собою багато книжок! Я сиджу в кафе і пишу тобі цей лист. Мама розмовляє з офіціантом італійською. (Моя мама викладає італійську мову в моїй школі.) Мій брат слухає музику в навушниках. Мій тато читає книжку про історію Італії. Що ви робите? Напишу згодом, Бет
4. Read the email again. Answer the questions. Write sentences.
1.How often does Beth eat pizza? She eats it every day.
2.When does she go swimming? She goes swimming in the afternoons.
3.Where's Beth sitting? She is sitting in a café.
4.Who's her mum talking to? She is talking to the waiter.
5.What's her brother doing? He is listening to music.
6.What's her dad reading? He is reading a book about the history of Italy,
Сторінка 55
1. Match to make questions.
1 - c; 2 - I; 3 - f; 4 - a; 5 - j; 6 - d; 7 - b; 8 - h; 9 - g; 10 - e.
1. Can you clean - c. the table, please?
2. Can you put - I. your books in your bag?
3. Can I use - f, your smartphone, please?
4. Can you help me - a. with my homework?
5. Can we go - j. to the park after school?
6. Can we have - d. bread and cheese for breakfast?
7. Can we play - b. football after school?
8. Can you show - h. me your new fitness tracker?
9. Can I watch - g. TV, please?
10. Can I open - e. the window, please?
2. Read the questions. Is the person making a request or asking permission?
1 - permission; 2 - request; 3 - request; 4 - request; 5 - permission.
1. Can I have some chocolate, please? - permission;
2. Can you close the window, please? - request;
3. Can you get me some milk from the shop, please? - request;
4. Can I have a table for two, please? - request;
5. Can I go to the park, please? - permission.
3. Match the questions from Exercise 2 with these answers.
1 - f; 2 - c; 3 - b; 4 - e; 5 - a.
0. Can you clean the kitchen, please? - d. Oh, Dad! It's your turn to clean it.
1.Can I have some chocolate, please? - f, No, you can't eat it every day, Alba!
2.Can you close the window, please? - c. OK. Are you feeling cold?
3.Can you get me some m ilk from the shop, please? - b. Sure, no problem. Do you want some bread too?
4.Can I have a table for two, please? - e. Yes, of course. Come this way, please.
5.Can I go to the park, please? - a. Yes, of course. Be home for dinner, OK?
1. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
Waiter; Good afternoon.
Girl and boy; Hello!
Waiter: Would you like anything to eat?
Girl: Yes, please. Can I have a cheese sandwich please?
Waiter: Sure, no problem. Would you like a drink?
Girl: Yes, please. Can I have a glass of apple juice?
Waiter: Yes, of course. And what can I get for you?
Boy: Urn. Can I have an egg sandwich, please?
Waiter: OK. Would you like a drink with that?
Girl; Yes, please Can I have a glass of water.
Waiter; OK.
2. Look at the menu then write a conversation. Use the conversation in Exercise 1 to help you.
- Good evening
- Hello
- Would you like anything to drink?
- Yes, please. Orange juice.
- Would you like sandwiches or hot meals?
- Sandwich please. Cheese one.
- Good choice. Would you like some dessert?
- Of course. Ice cream with fruits.
- Nice choice.
- Thanks.
Сторінка 56
Vocabulary and Listening.
1. Look at the pictures. Complete the words.
1 - hospital; 2 - park; 3 - museum; 4 - restaurant; 5 - bank; 6 - university; 7 - cinema; 8 - station; 9 - supermarket; 10 - hotel.
2. Read the definitions. Write the words from Exercise 1.
1 - cinema; 2 - restaurant; 3 - supermarket; 4 - hotel; 5 - station; 6 university; 7 - hospital; 8 - park; 9 - museum; 10 - bank,
1.You go here to watch a film. - cinema;
2.You go here for a meal. - restaurant;
3.You go here to buy food, - supermarket;
4.You sleep here when you're on holiday. - hotel;
5.You wait here for a train. - station;
6.You go here to study after you leave school, - university;
7.You go here to feel better. - hospital;
8.You go here to play football and have picnics. - park;
9.You go here to look at art. - museum;
10.You go here to get some money. - bank.
3. Where are the people? Write the words from Exercise 1.
1.Wow! These paintings are very old. - museum;
2.Can I have a room for two nights, please? - hotel;
3.I haven't got any money! - bank;
4.Can I see a doctor? - hospital;
5.When does the train to London leave? - station;
6.Can I have a pizza, please? - restaurant;
7.What are you studying? - university;
8.What time does the film start? - cinema;
9.I need to buy some coffee and bread. - supermarket;
10.Let's sit next to the trees. - park.
4. Listen to five conversations. Tick the words you hear.
Bank, park, restaurant, museum, hotel,
5. Listen again. Complete the sentences with There is and There isn't.
1.There is a bank on Tower Street.
2.There isn't a park on Cambridge Road.
3.There isn't a restaurant on Market Street.
4.There is a cafe on Station Road.
5.There isn't a museum on Long Street.
6.There is a museum on Castte Street.
7.There is a hotel on Green Road.
Сторінка 57
1. Complete the questions with Is there a or Are there any.
1.Are there any hotels in the town?
2.Is there a swimming pool in Green Road?
3.Are there any restaurants in Main Street?
4.Is there a station in Park Road?
5.Are there any football clubs in the town?
6.Is there a park near Green Road?
7.Is there a museum in Main Street?
8.Is there a cafe in New Street?
9.Are there any supermarkets in Green Road?
10.Is there a bank in Park Road?
2. Look at the map. Answer the questions in Exercise 1. Write Yes, there is, No, there isn't, Yes, there are or No, there aren't.
1. No, there aren't, 2. Yes, there is. 3. Yes, there are, 4. No, there isn't, 5. No, there aren't. 6. Yes, there is. 7. No, there isn't. 8. Yes, there is. 9. No, there aren't. 10. No, there isn't.
3. Complete the questions about where you live. Answer Yes, there is/ Yes, there are or No there isn't / No, there aren't.
1. Is there a university? 2. Is there a museum? 3. Are there any parks?
4. Is there a hospital? 5. Is there a swimming pool? 6. Are there any hotels? 7. Is there a train station? 8. Is there a cinema? 9. Are there any banks?
Сторінка 58
Vocabulary and Reading
1. Match the adjectives with their opposites.
1.expensive - c. cheap; 2. little - d. big; 3. boring - b. interesting; 4. short - a. tail,
2. Circle four adjectives.
3. Choose the correct adjectives.
1 - interesting; 2 - tall; 3 - cheap; 4 - boring; 5 - new;
1. This film is interesting. I like it.
2. Giraffes are very tall animals.
3. This phone is only £5 - that's very cheap,
4. This is a boring book. I don't like it.
5. Dad, I need a new bike. Can I have one for my birthday?
4. Read the descriptions. What is Arthur's Seat?
It is a hill in Edinburgh.
Sandra. я з Мексики, але зараз живу в Лондоні. Лондон — чудове місце для життя, але воно дуже дороге — тут потрібні багато грошей! У Лондоні є багато красивих місць. Мені подобається собор Святого Павла. Це стара будівля і дуже висока. Інше місце, яке мені подобається, це Camden Market. Це цікава частина міста. Я ходжу туди щонеділі з друзями. Ми купуємо дешевий одяг і насолоджуємося музикою на вулиці.
Mario. Я з Італії, але живу в Единбурзі в Шотландії. Це гарне місто. Я люблю Единбурзький замок. Це на пагорбі над містом. Це дуже старе! Біля замку є кілька хороших кафе. В одному з них працює моя мама! В Единбурзі є чудовий університет, багато музеїв, магазинів і ресторанів. І є Артурове сидіння. Це пагорб біля центру міста. Ви можете піднятися ним і побачити під собою весь Единбург.
5. Read the texts again. Circle the adjectives.
great, expensive, beautiful, old, tall, interesting, cheap, good.
6. Read the descriptions again. Write Yes or No. Correct the wrong sentences.
1.Sandra is from London. - No. She is from Mexico.
2.Sandra thinks London isn't cheap. - Yes.
3.Sandra goes to Camden Market on Saturdays. - No. She goes on Sundays,
4.Sanda never buys anything at Camden Market- - No. She buys clothes,
5.Mario isn't from Scotland. - Yes.
6.Edinburgh castle is on a hill above the city. - Yes.
7.Mario lives in a town. - No. He lives in a city,
8.Mario's sister works in a care. - No. His mother works in a cafe.
9.Arthur's Seat is near Edinburgh centre. - Yes.
Сторінка 59
1. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Underline the prepositions.
1.There's a museum (above) the cafe.
2.There are some pictures (inside) the museum.
3.There are some cars (outside) the station.
4.There's a cat (near) the bus,
5.There are two men (below) the tall tree.
2. Look at the picture of Tom's house. Complete the sentences.
1.Tom's got two posters above his bed.
2.His desk is below the window.
3.The cat is outside Tom's bedroom.
4.His desk is near his bed.
5.Tom is in his bedroom. He is inside.
3. Choose the correct word.
1- outside; 2 - near; 3 - below; 4 - above.
1.It's hot. We're playing outside the school.
2.We live near my grandparents, Our house is number 82 and theirs is number 86.
3.Wow! This is a very tall building. Look at the city below. The people look so small!
4.Look up! There's a plane flying above the city.
1. Hannah uses the adjective 'nice' five times in her description. Replace 'nice' with adjectives from this and other units.
1 - interesting; 2 - beautiful; 3 - big; 4 - great; 5 - funny.
My name is Hannah and I'm from Northern Ireland. I live in Madrid in Spam I'm a student at the university I study Spanish - it’s a(n) 1 interesting subject, I like living in Madrid. It's a 2 beautiful city, My favourite place here is called El Retiro. This is a 3 big park near the centre of the city. It's a great place to visit. On sunny days, I like going to El Retiro with my friends, We sometimes go on the lake in a boat, but what I really like to do is have a picnic and talk to my friends. My friends are 5 funny.
2. Read the text again. Answer the questions.
1.Where is Hannah from? - Hannah is from Northern Ireland.
2.Where does she five? - She lives in Madrid.
3.What does she do? - She is a student,
4.What is her favourite subject? - Her favourite subject is Spanish.
5.What is her favourite place called? - Her favourite place is El Retiro 6. What does she like doing there? - She like having picnics and talking to her friends.
3. Write about your favourite place. Use the text in Exercise 1 to help you. Remember to use different adjectives.
My name is Max and I am from Ukraine. I live and study in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland now. I like English with its Scottish dialect. My favourite place is Edinburgh castle and the main street of this beautiful street. I like to spend time there with my friends in a good weather.

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