ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon48 447, icon2

Unit 15. What shall I wear?
Сторінка 64
Vocabulary and listening.
1. Put the letters in the right order to make clothes words.
1 - shoe; 2 - T - shirt; 3 - glasses; 4 - dress; 5 - shirt; 6 - jeans; 7 - jacket; 8 - skirt; 9 - trousers.
2. Read the sentences. What is the word?
1 - watch; 2 - glasses; 3 - shoes; 4 - jeans; 5 - jacket; 6 - T - shirt; 7 - dress.
1.You wear this to tell the time. - watch;
2.You wear these to help you see. - glasses;
3.You wear these on your feet. - shoes;
4.These are trousers. They are usually blue or black. - jeans;
5.You wear this over a T-shirt or shirt. - jacket;
6.You wear this with jeans or in summer. - T - shirt;
7.Girls wear this. It covers the body and legs. - dress.
3. What are you wearing today? Write sentences. Use words from Exercise 1.
I am wearing a pink T - shirt and blue jeans.
4. Listen to some students talking about the clothes they wear to school. Who loves wearing T - shirts?
Tom loves wearing T - shirt.
5. Listen again. Match the students to the photos. Write Maria, Jack, Lisa and Tom.
1 - Tom; 2 - Maria; 3 - Lisa; 4 - Jack.
Сторінка 65
6. Listen again. Write Yes or No. Correct the wrong sentences.
1.Maria doesn't like wearing skirts. - Yes;
2.Jack wears a black jum per to school. - Yes;
3.Jack likes the colour grey. - No. He doesn't like grey colour;
4.Lisa wears a skirt or dress to school. - No. She and her friends never wear a skirt or dress to school.
5.Lisa plays football. - Yes;
6.Tom isn't wearing his glasses now, - Yes;
7.Tom doesn't like wearing shorts. - No. He loves wearing shorts.
1. Look at the plurals. Circle the plural which is different.
1 - hotels; 2 - dresses; 3 - parties; 4 - jeans; 5 - cakes.
2. Complete the table. Use the words from Exercise 1.
always plural: jeans, trousers;
add - s: shoes, doctors, girls, hotels, cakes, waiters, cinemas, pencils, teachers;
add - es: boxes, glasses, watches, sandwiches, dresses;
change -y to - ies: parties, dictionaries, factories, universities.
3. Complete the sentences with the plural form of the word in brackets.
1.Have you got any black T - shirt,
2.Mum's buying some books to take on our holiday.
3.Sam's got two sisters. They're babies.
4.I need to buy some new clothes.
5.Look at these beautiful old houses.
6.Please w rite your addresses on the forms.
7.Do you know what I love doing? Watching films!
8.Mum, where are my blue skirts?
9.There are lots of new shops in our town.
10.Do you have any digital watches?
11.We've got three computers in our house.
Сторінка 66
Vocabulary and Reading.
1. Match the opposites.
1- b; 2 - d; 3 - a; 4 - c.
1.tall - b. short
2.short hair - d. long hair
3.young - a. old
4.slim - c. fat
2. Choose the correct phrases.
1.She's got beautiful eyes.
2.He's got dark hair.
3.She's got long hair.
4.He's got a red nose.
5.He's got a grey beard.
6.He's got a big ears.
3. Read the blog. Who is visiting Stanley this week? His grandparents
Привіт, мене звати Стенлі. Зараз я роблю багато фотографій, тому що відвідую фотоклуб. Це фотографія парку біля нашого будинку. Ми часто ходимо в цей парк у неділю вдень. Цього тижня до нас приїдуть мої бабусі й дідусі, тож нас у парку більше, ніж зазвичай. Сьогодні дуже холодний день. Всі одягнені дуже тепло! В порядку. Дозвольте мені розповісти вам про мою сім'ю в парку. Мій тато в рукавичках і пальто. У мого тата досить довге волосся. У моєї мами гарне коротке волосся. Вона одягнена в своє улюблене пальто. Моя бабуся та дідусь стоять позаду моєї сестри. Мій дідусь у рукавичках і куртці. Моя інша бабуся в рукавичках і гарному пальто. Мій брат одягнений у джинси та піджак. Моя сестра стоїть біля мого брата. На ній куртка, але без рукавичок. «Я не думаю, що дуже холодно!» вона каже.
4. Read the text. Complete the table with what the people are wearing.
Stanley’s dad; gloves, coat;
Stanley’s mum: her favourite winter coat;
Stanley's grandfather: gloves, jacket;
Stanley's grandmother: gloves, jacket;
Stanley’s brother: jeans, jacket;
Stanley's sister: jacket.
5. Read the text again. Answer the questions.
1.Why is Stanley taking lots of photos? - Stanley is taking lots of photos because he goes to camera club.
2.Where are the family? - The family is in the park.
3.Why are there more people in the park than usual? - There are more people than usual because his grandparents arrived.
4.Who thinks it isn't very cold? - Stanleys sister thinks it is not very cold.
5.Who has got long hair? - Stanleys dad has got long hair.
6.Why is everyone wearing warm clothes? - Everyone is wearing warm clothes because it is a very cold day.
Сторінка 67
1. Make sentences about Arthur and Florence.
Arthur is short, Arthur has got dark hair, Florence is wearing glasses, Florence is tall. Florence has got dark hair. Florence is wearing a long skirt.
2. Rewrite the sentences with is or has.
1.Lee has got short hair.
2.Julia is wearing purple shoes,
3.Robbie has got blue eyes.
4.Laura is beautiful.
5.Mathew is wearing a grey jacket.
3. Look at the pictures of Roberto and Alesandra and write sentences. Use the words in the box.
Roberto's young. He's wearing glasses. He's got short hair. He's got dark eyes,
Alesandra's has got long blond hair. She's slim.
1. Read the descriptions. Match the descriptions to the people.
1 - D; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - A.
2. Read the texts again. Circle six mistakes.
1.Today he is wearing shorts and a T - shirt.
2.She has got long hair.
3.She is wearing a skirt and a jacket.
4.He is wearing jeans and a T - shirt.
5.He is wearing glasses too.
6.She never wears a watch.
3. Write a description of someone in your family or a friend. Use the description in Exercise 1 to help you.
My sister's name is Maria. She is from Ukraine. She is tall and slim. She has got long blond hair. She is wearing a fancy dress. She is going to dance competition.

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