ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon48 447, icon2

Unit 19. A fantastic concert.
Сторінка 80
Vocabulary and Listening.
1. Put the letters in the right order to make adjectives.
1 - loud; 2 - slow; 3 - late; 4 - easy; 5 - fast; 6 - friendly; 7 - excited;
8 - difficult.
2. Complete the sentences with the adjectives from Exercise 1.
1.Oh, no, we're late! Come on, We'll miss the bus to school!
2.I'm so excited about the concert tonight. Are you coming too?
3.Can you turn the music down please? It's very loud.
4.The science test was so difficult. I think I need to study more.
5.I like my school because the teachers are so friendly.
6.Oh, this bus is slow. Let's take the train next time - it's faster.
7.My friend thinks maths is easy, but I think it's very difficult.
8.My sister is a fast swimmer. She wins all her swimming races!
3. Listen to the conversation between Erin and Conrad. Who was at a party last night?
4. Listen again. Tick the right sentence.
1.Conrad is tired.
2.Erin wasn't dancing.
3.Erins brothers got a band.
4.Conrad was at home.
5.The dog was loud.
5. Listen again. Write Conrad or Erin.
1.The party was for Erin's sister.
2.Conrad loves dancing.
3.Erin's sister was happy.
4.Conrad has got a test soon.
5.Conrad's brother plays the guitar.
6.Erin was asleep at one o'clock.
Сторінка 81
1. Choose the correct words.
1.I was tired after school.
2.My parents were very happy.
3.The history test was easy.
4.Where were you last night?
5.My friends were at the concert!
6.The birthday party was fun.
7.Were you tired?
8.The film was brilliant.
9.My brother was late for the train.
2. Complete the conversation with was or were.
Leah: Was the concert good, Oscar?
Oscar: Yes, it was! The musicians were great.
Leah: Was Lara there?
Oscar: Yes, she was. She was very excited.
Leah: And James?
Oscar: He was there too.
Leah: Were you tired by the end of the concert?
Oscar: Yes, we were! We were home very late.
3.Write the negative form of the sentences.
1.My brothers were not there.
2.We were not tired.
3.I was not bored,
4.It wasn't cold.
5.It wasn't dark.
6.My sister were not at a birthday party.
7.My friends were not at a concert.
8.My parents were not in the kitchen,
9.I wasn’t at home.
4. Complete the conversations with was / wasn't or were / weren't.
1.A: Were you and your family on the beach yesterday?
B: No, we weren't. It was raining.
2.A: Was the food at the hotel good?
B: Yes, it was. The sandwiches were fantastic.
3.A: Were the rooms big?
B; No, they weren't, They were quite small,
4.A: was there a swimming pool at the hotel?
B; Yes, there was. It was big.
5.A: Was Charlie on holiday with you?
B: No, he wasn't. He was at university.
6.A: Were you sad because of the weather?
B; No, I wasn't. I was very happy on my holiday,
Сторінка 82
Vocabulary and Reading.
1. Match the adjectives with the definitions.
1 - g; 2 - a; 3 - b; 4 - d; 5 - e; 6 - h; 7 - c; 8 - f.
1.quick - g. this is another word for 'fast'
2.strong - a. this describes a person's body, often their arms or legs
3.fun - b. this word describes something we enjoy, such as a party
4.brilliant - d. this word means 'very good'
5.heavy - e. this word describes an object that weighs a lot and is difficult to carry
6.ready - h. we use this word to say we can start doing something
7.new - c. this is the opposite of 'old'
8.pleased - f, this word is similar to 'happy'; we often say it when we meet a person for the first time.
2. Complete the sentences with the adjectives from Exercise 1.
1.This is a very, very good film. It's brilliant.
2.You're so quick. I can't run that fast.
3.This is my new fitness tracker. I got it for my birthday.
4.My friend swims and plays tennis. She's very strong.
5.These bags are heavy. Can you help me carry them, please?
6.Are you ready to go, Jon? We've got to go now.
7.Everyone is enjoying Katie's party. We're having a fun time.
8.Hello. I'm very pleased to meet you.
3. Read Henry's blog. Match the photos to the paragraphs.
1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - B; 4 - A.
1. Мене звуть Генрі, а це мій тато Ангус. У тата цікава робота: він фотографує тварин і йому потрібно багато подорожувати. Влітку завжди ходжу з ним.
2. Щороку ми відвідуємо іншу країну! Ми завжди сідаємо на поїзд. Це дорожче, ніж автобус, але я думаю, що це веселіше. Вночі спимо в наметі - чудово!
3. Найдовша наша подорож була до Туреччини. Ми були там три тижні. Погода була не чудовою, але там були деякі дивовижні будівлі та пляжі також були блискучими! Деякі фото мого тата були під водою! Я завжди чудово проводжу час у наших поїздках.
4. Я завжди кладу свій планшет у сумку та надсилаю електронні листи та фотографії друзям, Сумка мого тата більша за мою сумку. У його сумці завжди є маленький ніж, пляшка з водою, наші квитки на поїзд і, звичайно, його фотоапарат!
4. Read the blog again. Answer the questions.
1.How does Henry describe his dad's job? - He says it is interesting.
2. What is Henry's dad's job? - He takes photographs of animals.
3.When does Henry travel with his da ? - Harry travels with his dad in summer.
4.Do they always travel to the same country? - No, they go to a different country every year.
5.How do they travel: by bus or train? - They travel by train.
6.How long was their trip to Turkey? - Their trip was for three weeks.
7.What was the weather like in Turkey? - It wasn't great.
8.What does Henry always put in his bag? - He always put his tablet in his bag.
Сторінка 83
1. Match the questions with the answers.
1 - d; 2 - h; 3 - b; 4 - f; 5 - e; 6 - a; 7 - c; 8 - g.
1. Where do you live? - d. In Acapulco, Mexico,
2. Why were you happy yesterday? - h. Because it was Friday!
3. What kind of pizza do you like? - b. My favourite is cheese and tomato,
4. How do you travel to school? - f. I catch the bus.
5. Who was your best friend when you were five years old? - e. Her name was Jessica. We were in the same class.
6. What was your favourite film when you were younger? - a. It was Toy Story 3.
7. When was Marta s birthday party? - c. It was last Saturday,
8. How long was your last lesson? - g. It was one hour.
2. Complete the questions. Use the words in the box.
1. Where does your best friend live?
2. What kind of house or flat do you live in?
3. What was the name of your first English teacher?
4. Why are you learning English?
5. When was your last English lesson?
6. Who do you sit next to in class?
3. Answer the questions in Exercise 2 for you.
1.My best friend lives in Kyiv.
2.I live in a big flat.
3.Her name was Angelika.
4.Because I want to speak English very good.
5.Yesterday was my last English lesson.
6.I sit next to Ann in the class.
1. Complete the questions with was/ were or do.
1.Who do you go on holiday with?
2.How do you travel when you go on holiday?
3.What do you always put in your bag when you travel?
4.Where was your last holiday?
5.What was the weather like?
2. Read Maya's blog and answer the questions in Exercise 1 about her.
1.She goes on holiday with her family.
2.She sometimes flies, sometimes goes by train and sometimes drives.
3.clothes, phone, books and a sun hat
5.It was very hot.
3. Read Maya's blog again. Write Yes or No.
1.Maya never goes on holiday with her family. - No;
2.Maya doesn't have any brothers. - No;
3.Maya likes travelling by train. - Yes;
4.Maya puts books in her bag when she travels. - Yes;
5.Maya’s last holiday wasn't in a cold place. - Yes;
4. Now answer the questions in Exercise 1 for you. Write about holidays. Use your answers to Exercise 1 and Maya's description other holidays in Exercise 2.
I go on holiday with my parents. We usually go by car or by plane. Sometimes we go by train. It depends on the place we go to. I always put my phone and tablet in my bag with me. My last holidays were in Lviv. The weather was wonderful. It wasn't very hot. The weather was sunny and fresh. I enjoyed it.

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