ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник Prepare 6 [Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс] 2023

icon25.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 929, icon0

Unit 0. Get Started
1. What colour is each thing? Write five sentences. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1. A: It's blue and white.
B: Is it the coot?
A: Yes, it is.
2. A: It's black and white.
B: Is it the dress?
A: Yes, it is.
2. A: It's black and white.
B: Is it the dress?
A: Yes, it is.
3. A: It's red.
B: Is it the pencil - box?
A: Yes, it is.
2. Look at the photo and read the sentences. Write yes or no.
1. There are five students in the classroom. No.
2. There's a red pencil case on the table. Yes.
3. There's a blue bag on a chair. No.
4. There's a computer near the window. No.
5. There's a poster on the wall. Yes.
6. There's a bag on the floor. Yes.
3. Look at the photo and listen to the questions. Complete the table with a tick for the right answers.
1. Yes, there are.
2. Yes, there is.
3. Yes, there are.
4. No, there isn't.
5. No, there aren't.
4. Work with a partner. Student A, look around your classroom for 60 seconds, and then close your eyes. Student B, ask questions about the classroom.
B: Are there two posts on the wall?
A: Yes, there are.
A: Are there any pots on the window?
B: No, there aren't.
Сторінка 6
Get started!
1. Match the words in the box to the letters A - P in the photo.
Bag - H; board - A; chair - J; coat - I; computer - G; door - D; exercise book - P; map - B; pencil case - M; pen - L; poster - C; rubber - 0; ruler - N; teacher - E; textbook - K; window - F.
2. In pairs, read out the names of the letters and complete the table with the letters that so und the same, Two columns have no additional letters!
H, J, K
C, D, E, G, P, T, V
L, M, N, S, X, Z

Q, W

3. Complete questions 1-6 with the words in the box. Then match the questions to answers a - f.
1. I'm sorry, can you repeat that, please? - d. I said, 'please do Exercise 3'.
2. How do you say bonjour in English? - f. Hello.
3. What page are we on? - e. 19, I think.
4. How do you spell 'because'? - a. B-E-C-A-U-S-E.
5. Can I borrow your ruler? - b. Sure, here you are.
6. What does 'in pairs' mean? - c. With your partner.
Сторінка 7
5. Read what Simon says. Tick the things he's got in his bag.
В - textbook; G - exercise books; F - pencil case; C - bottle of water; E - sandwich; H - money.
Моя сумка сьогодні дуже важка! У мене є три підручники, чотири зошити і свій пенал. У мене також є пляшка води, тому що я маю футбольний клуб після школи. У мене є сендвіч і трохи грошей. У мене немає телефону - він вдома в моїй спальні.
6. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
A: What have you got in your bag today?
В: I've got books and pencil case in my bag.
A: Have you got a lunch box in your bag today?
B: Yes,I have.
Сторінка 8
2. Listen and choose the numbers you hear.
a - 75; b - 30; c - 91; d - 14; e - 19; f - 50.
3. Say the months in the correct order.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
4. Listen and write the dates.
1 - 1st March; 2 - 12th October; 3 - 8th May; 4 - 25 - th February; 5 - 22nd July; 6 - 31st December; 7 - 3rd April; 8 - 11th August.
5. In small groups, ask and answer the questions.
When is your birthday? - It is on 5th September.
What is today's date? - It is the 12th August.
When is your mum's birthday? - It is on 23rd April.
1. Write questions to find out about your partner's ...
How old are you?
What is your address?
What is your phone number?
Do you have brothers or sisters?
What is your favourite pop star?
What is your favourite school subject?
Сторінка 9
1. Match the photos A - H to the words in the box.
A - draw a car; B - swim under water; C - make a cake; D - ride a bike; E - speak three languages; F - run 5 km; G - play tennis; H - stand on your head.
2. In pairs, ask and answer about the activities in Exercise 1.
Can you swim under water? - Yes, I can.
Can you ride a bike? - Yes, I can.
3. Read about the students and answer the questions. Use complete sentences.
1. Does Bohdan like music? - Yes, he does.
2. How many brothers has Jason got? - He hasn't got any brothers.
3.What sport does Millie like? - She likes swimming.
4. Where does Bohdan want to go? - He wants to go to China.
5. What does Jason do every day? - He plays football.
6.When does Millie go shopping? - She goes shopping on Saturday.
4. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.
1. What kind of music do you like? - I like pop music.
2. Do you like travelling? - Yes, I do.
3. Do you play football at school? - No, I don't.
4. Do you like swimming? - Yes, I do.
5. What is your favourite food? - My favourite food is pizza.

iconГДЗ 6 клас 2023 Англійська мова Підручник Коста Вільямс Prepare Лінгвіст
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