ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon164, icon0

b) Say which statements are true/false.
1. Emma hates getting up early. False.
2. She is happy to be back at school. True.
3. Bruce teases his sister. False.
4. He feels well before a test. False.
5. Emma has good marks at school. True.
6. She doesn't want to help Bruce with his studies. False.
c) Work in pairs. Ask your partner if he/she is happy about coming back to school and why. Then tell the class about him/her.
- Are you happy to come back to school?
- Yes, I like to be at school. I have a lot of friends here and I like to
study something new.
Сторінка 6
1. a) Listen to Emma and Bruce and answer the questions.
1. Who is sad and why? - Bruce is sad because the holidays are over and school is starting again.
2. What is good about the beginning of the new school year? - They get new books, new clothes and they meet their friends.
3. Why doesn't Bruce like Maths? - Bruce doesn't like Maths because he doesn't understand it.
4. How many new subjects do they have this year? - They have two new subjects this year.
2. Read the list below and add 3 more tips. Share your tips with the class and say which one is the most important to you and why.
1. Have a schedule.
2. Always take notes.
3. Learn in the way that works for you
4. Learn in study groups.
5. Be active out of school.
6. Be attentive.
7. Do homework in time.
8. Make friends.
Сторінка 8
1. Read the blogs and correct the statements below.
1. Eddy was in the school choir last year.
2. He took drum lessons in summer.
3. Marco is the schools journalist.
4. He writes all the stories with his friends.
5. Yan has been in the Science Club for three years.
6. She likes doing experiments the most.
7. Adeline prefers drawing comics to painting.
8. She thinks her parents stories are the best.
2. Fill in the gaps with the words from the Words For You box.
1. Ken plays the guitar in our school band.
2. Fred and Dave are learning a new theory now.
3. Mary collects shells and goes to our Nature Club.
4. It's easy to fit in if you share the same hobbies.
5. Jackson is the new editor of our school blog.
6. I like to combine my two hobbies: singing and dancing.
7. One of Sam's extracurricular activities is playing table games.
8. My passion is chemistry, so I spend hours in our lab!
Сторінка 9
3. Read the blogs again and say what everyone does in his/her club.
1. Eddy plays drums.
2. Marco takes pictures and writes stories with his friends.
3. Yan analyses and learns various theories. She also does different experiments.
4. Adeline draws pictures to comics.
4. Discuss the questions below in groups of 3-4.
1. Extracurricular activities need for every person to develop yourself.
2. I know such clubs like dancing, swimming, football.
3. I love dancing. I go dancing tree times a week and take part in different competitions.
Сторінка 10
2. Look at the pictures and match the words with their meanings.
1-d; 2-f; 3-є; 4-g; 5-е; 6-b; 7-а.
1. a bookworm - d. someone who reads a lot;
2. a chatterbox - f. someone who talks a lot;
3. a computer geek - e. someone who is interested in computers
4. a drama queen - g. someone who is full of emotions;
5. a dynamo - c. someone who is very active;
6. a music addict - b. someone who loves music;
7. a science geek - a. someone who is crazy about science;
3. Look through the list of clubs below and say:
b) which clubs the kids in task 2 should join
I think that you need to be active to join Drama Club. That's why I believe that a drama queen should join it.
I think you need to love singing to join School choir. That's why I believe that a music addict should join it.
I think you need to be active to join Sports club. That's why I believe that a dynamo should join it.
I think you need to be active and love sport to join School Football Team. That's why I believe that a dynamo should join it.
I think you need to be educated to join Science Club. That's why I believe that a science geek should join it.
I think you need to be educated and clever to join Computer Club. That's why I believe that a computer geek should join it.
I think you need to love singing to join Music club. That's why I believe that a music addict should join it.
I think you need to be active and talk a lot to join Schools Blog Team.
That's why I believe that a chatterbox should join it.
I think you need to be talkative to join Comics Club. That's why I believe that a chatterbox should join it.
I think you need to love singing to join School Music Band. That's why I believe that a music addict should join it.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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