ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024
Сторінка 11
1. Look at the photos and guess what events they show.
On photos we can see photo of the First bell.
2. Read the article and answer the questions below.
There are such school celebrations as: Knowledge Day, Teachers Day, Graduation Day and Schools Anniversary.
On Knowledge day teachers and students gather together and welcome each other on a new school year. On Teachers day students give flowers to teachers. On Graduation day students are happy because summer holidays begin. On School Anniversary the headteacher makes speech and they have a big festival.
Сторінка 12
3. a) Finish the sentences with the words from the Words For You box.
1. It's my last school year! I'm a graduate!
2. Our joy during holidays is what we all graduate.
3. Yesterday was our school's 100-year anniversary!
4. At different schools all traditions always have smth in common.
5. Our headteacher likes festivals, and he always makes speech.
6. Tomorrow's Knowledge Day, and we all feel its importance.
b) Make your own 4 sentences with the 4 words that are left.
1. It will be the best graduation this year.
2. We go to school to get some knowledge.
3. You have a great spirit to achieve all this.
4. My mother dedicates herself to children.
Сторінка 13
4. Read the article again and choose the correct answer.
1-b; 2-а; 3—b; 4-b; 5-а; 6-а; 7-а; 8-а; 9—b; 10-a.
1. What celebration is on the first of September? - b) Knowledge Day
2. What does the headteacher do on this day? - a) gives a speech;
3. What is Teachers' Day? - b) an international holiday;
4. What do teachers get on this day? - b) flowers;
5. When is Graduation Day? - a) at the end of a school year;
6. How do some graduates feel on this day? - a) happy;
7. How do students call their school's anniversary? - a) 'My School's Birthday';
8. What can there be on a school's anniversary? - a) a big festival;
9. What makes each school's celebration different? - b) traditions;
10. What do all schools have in common? - a) their celebration spirit;
5. Discuss the questions below in pairs.
I know such holiday as Peace Day. We celebrate it with all school. Every year for this holiday we do some special activities. All pupils take part in those activities.
Сторінка 14
2. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
1. George does not come to this club very often.
2. My classmates is not talking to me at the moment.
3. They believe there should be a big ceremony.
4. I am getting ready for the school festival now.
5. Vicky is not chatting with Fred right now.
b) Turn the statements into questions.
1. Do they like sport very much?
2. Does Wendy always celebrate her birthday?
3. Are his friends skiing?
4. Is Dave learning a poem?
5. Is Jane reading a book?
Сторінка 15
3. Put the words in the correct order to make tag questions.
1. We are the best football team, aren't we?
2. Stella plays in the school band, doesn't she?
3. Mum isn't working in the garden, is she?
4. Match to make tag questions.
1. I know that, don't I? (d).
2. You are working, aren't you? (e).
3. Tim isn't studying, doesn't he? (b).
4. Helen doesn't like that, does she? (c).
5. Your friend speaks Spanish, is he? (f).
6. They don't go there, do they? (a).
5. Finish the tag questions.
1. You aren't a dynamo, are you?
2. Jake is singing, isn't he?
3. I am not a drama queen, am I?
4. We are studying, aren't we?
5. Kelly isn't reading, is she?
6. Sam skates well, doesn't he?
6. Write negative statements and positive question tags using the verbs in brackets.
1. You don't like listening to long speeches, do you?
2. Most people here do not speak English, do they?
3. Henry haven't got good marks, have he?
4. We are not going out tomorrow, are we?
5. Holidays in autumn are not long, are they?
6. You don't need my help, do you?
7. Ron doesn't play the guitar, does he?
7. Put the tag questions to the answers below.
1. We enjoy parties, don't we? - Yes, we do. We think parties are fun.
2. Jane is listening, isn't she? - No, she isn't. Jane isn't listening.
3. Jack likes painting, doesn't he? - No, he doesn't. Jack doesn't paint.
4. You are writing, aren't you? - Yes, I am. I am writing a story.
5. You speak Spanish, don't you? - Yes, I do. I learn Spanish.
6. They are smiling, aren't they? - No, they aren't. They aren't smiling.
Сторінка 16
2. a) Read the sentences below. Then listen to the dialogue again and choose the correct word.
1. The school is 50years old.
2. The students from the choir are practicing a new song.
3. The school band will play classical music.
4. The headmaster made a long speech on the Knowledge Day.
5. Jack is the head of the Art Club.
6. The Drama Club guys are preparing something special.
7. Bob is a bookworm.
8. Bob spends a lot of time in the library Club.
b) Answer the questions.
1. What are the students getting ready for? - They are getting ready for anniversary festival.
2. What is Terra doing these days? - Terra is working on a dance with the guys from the Dance Club.
3. What does the headmaster want from the school band? - He want to play classical music.
4. Who can make good decorations? - Jack can make good decorations.
5. Which club is Ricky in? - Ricky is in Drama Club.
6. Why is Bob stuck in the library these days? - Bob is making a cool presentation.
Сторінка 17
1. Look at the table and say when you do these things.
We make decorations at school for all holidays.
We make a presentation for a school project.
He gave them a prize for the first place.
They will hold a concert next month.
Our football team hold a competition between different football teams.
Our school drama club will perform a play next week.
2. Choose the correct word.
1. We give our teachers a surprise at Christmas.
2. Annie performed in the school play last year.
3. I gave our English teacher a present on her birthday.
4. The Sports Club students sometimes hold games.
5. Students have made a presentation on the anniversary.
6. The school band performs many songs on Knowledge Day.
3. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the words from task 1.
One of the important parts of school life is after-school activities. They gather everyone around and students get a chance to perform dances or songs and develop their other skills besides schoolwork. There are also festivals where they can hold exhibitions or different shows. Parents often come to school to see their children's hard work. Those who are creative often make decorations for school celebrations. They also make presentations on their artwork. Those students who are active may perform a play or even hold a concert. There are those days when students give presents to their teachers or hold competitions and give prizes to the winners. All in all, all of these activities can make life at school more interesting and fun for everyone.
Сторінка 18
1. Match.
1. Which lesson begins at 10:30? - Geography.
2. When do you have Graduation Day? - At the end of May.
3. Why is Jill laughing? - I told her a joke.
4. Where are you going? - To the classroom.
5. What is Bill talking about? - The experiment.
6. Who goes to the Drama Club? - Jane does.
2. Put as many questions as you can.
1. Many schools have a choir and they hold concerts.
What do many schools have?
What do schools hold?
2. Over 300 people enjoy food and activities at the festival.
How many people enjoy food and activities at the festival?
What do people enjoy at the festival?
3. Pupils are displaying their hobby collections in the Assembly Hall.
What are pupils doing in the Assembly Hall?
Where are pupils displaying their hobby?
3. Work in pairs. Ask your partner.
What are your hobbies? - My hobbies are dancing and painting.
Why do you like them? - Because it brings me happiness.
What does she need to do them? - She needs paints for painting and special clothes for dancing.
Where does she do them? - She does them at dance club and in Art club.
When does she do them? - She does dancing twice a week and painting three times a week.
Who does she do them with? - She does them with her friends.
Сторінка 19
4. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and make wh-questions in the Present Continuous, as in the example. Take turns.
What is Mike doing? - He is holding books.
What is Edda doing? - She is playing the piano.
What is Tod doing? - He is playing the drums.
What is Nick doing? - He is playing guitar.
What is Kim doing? - She is singing.
Сторінка 20
2. a) Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words.
Dave: What are you doing, Sam?
Sam: I'm signing up for the Music Club.
Dave: Oh. Who's the head of this club?
Sam: Mike is. Some people say he's a music addict, but he sings very well.
Dave: Is he in the school, too?
Sam: No, but they often ask him to perform when they hold concerts. Dave: Well, I took some guitar lessons this summer and I want to join our school band.
Sam: Good luck!
Dave: You too!
3. Work in pairs. Look at the ads on page 21 and say which club you want/don't want to join and why, as in the example. Use the phrases from the box and the words below the ads (p. 21).
I want to join Olympics Sports Club as I love sport. I think sport helps to be brave and strong. But I don't want to join Drama club as in my opinion only talented people can go there.
ГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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1. Look at the photos and guess what events they show.
On photos we can see photo of the First bell.
2. Read the article and answer the questions below.
There are such school celebrations as: Knowledge Day, Teachers Day, Graduation Day and Schools Anniversary.
On Knowledge day teachers and students gather together and welcome each other on a new school year. On Teachers day students give flowers to teachers. On Graduation day students are happy because summer holidays begin. On School Anniversary the headteacher makes speech and they have a big festival.
Сторінка 12
3. a) Finish the sentences with the words from the Words For You box.
1. It's my last school year! I'm a graduate!
2. Our joy during holidays is what we all graduate.
3. Yesterday was our school's 100-year anniversary!
4. At different schools all traditions always have smth in common.
5. Our headteacher likes festivals, and he always makes speech.
6. Tomorrow's Knowledge Day, and we all feel its importance.
b) Make your own 4 sentences with the 4 words that are left.
1. It will be the best graduation this year.
2. We go to school to get some knowledge.
3. You have a great spirit to achieve all this.
4. My mother dedicates herself to children.
Сторінка 13
4. Read the article again and choose the correct answer.
1-b; 2-а; 3—b; 4-b; 5-а; 6-а; 7-а; 8-а; 9—b; 10-a.
1. What celebration is on the first of September? - b) Knowledge Day
2. What does the headteacher do on this day? - a) gives a speech;
3. What is Teachers' Day? - b) an international holiday;
4. What do teachers get on this day? - b) flowers;
5. When is Graduation Day? - a) at the end of a school year;
6. How do some graduates feel on this day? - a) happy;
7. How do students call their school's anniversary? - a) 'My School's Birthday';
8. What can there be on a school's anniversary? - a) a big festival;
9. What makes each school's celebration different? - b) traditions;
10. What do all schools have in common? - a) their celebration spirit;
5. Discuss the questions below in pairs.
I know such holiday as Peace Day. We celebrate it with all school. Every year for this holiday we do some special activities. All pupils take part in those activities.
Сторінка 14
2. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
1. George does not come to this club very often.
2. My classmates is not talking to me at the moment.
3. They believe there should be a big ceremony.
4. I am getting ready for the school festival now.
5. Vicky is not chatting with Fred right now.
b) Turn the statements into questions.
1. Do they like sport very much?
2. Does Wendy always celebrate her birthday?
3. Are his friends skiing?
4. Is Dave learning a poem?
5. Is Jane reading a book?
Сторінка 15
3. Put the words in the correct order to make tag questions.
1. We are the best football team, aren't we?
2. Stella plays in the school band, doesn't she?
3. Mum isn't working in the garden, is she?
4. Match to make tag questions.
1. I know that, don't I? (d).
2. You are working, aren't you? (e).
3. Tim isn't studying, doesn't he? (b).
4. Helen doesn't like that, does she? (c).
5. Your friend speaks Spanish, is he? (f).
6. They don't go there, do they? (a).
5. Finish the tag questions.
1. You aren't a dynamo, are you?
2. Jake is singing, isn't he?
3. I am not a drama queen, am I?
4. We are studying, aren't we?
5. Kelly isn't reading, is she?
6. Sam skates well, doesn't he?
6. Write negative statements and positive question tags using the verbs in brackets.
1. You don't like listening to long speeches, do you?
2. Most people here do not speak English, do they?
3. Henry haven't got good marks, have he?
4. We are not going out tomorrow, are we?
5. Holidays in autumn are not long, are they?
6. You don't need my help, do you?
7. Ron doesn't play the guitar, does he?
7. Put the tag questions to the answers below.
1. We enjoy parties, don't we? - Yes, we do. We think parties are fun.
2. Jane is listening, isn't she? - No, she isn't. Jane isn't listening.
3. Jack likes painting, doesn't he? - No, he doesn't. Jack doesn't paint.
4. You are writing, aren't you? - Yes, I am. I am writing a story.
5. You speak Spanish, don't you? - Yes, I do. I learn Spanish.
6. They are smiling, aren't they? - No, they aren't. They aren't smiling.
Сторінка 16
2. a) Read the sentences below. Then listen to the dialogue again and choose the correct word.
1. The school is 50years old.
2. The students from the choir are practicing a new song.
3. The school band will play classical music.
4. The headmaster made a long speech on the Knowledge Day.
5. Jack is the head of the Art Club.
6. The Drama Club guys are preparing something special.
7. Bob is a bookworm.
8. Bob spends a lot of time in the library Club.
b) Answer the questions.
1. What are the students getting ready for? - They are getting ready for anniversary festival.
2. What is Terra doing these days? - Terra is working on a dance with the guys from the Dance Club.
3. What does the headmaster want from the school band? - He want to play classical music.
4. Who can make good decorations? - Jack can make good decorations.
5. Which club is Ricky in? - Ricky is in Drama Club.
6. Why is Bob stuck in the library these days? - Bob is making a cool presentation.
Сторінка 17
1. Look at the table and say when you do these things.
We make decorations at school for all holidays.
We make a presentation for a school project.
He gave them a prize for the first place.
They will hold a concert next month.
Our football team hold a competition between different football teams.
Our school drama club will perform a play next week.
2. Choose the correct word.
1. We give our teachers a surprise at Christmas.
2. Annie performed in the school play last year.
3. I gave our English teacher a present on her birthday.
4. The Sports Club students sometimes hold games.
5. Students have made a presentation on the anniversary.
6. The school band performs many songs on Knowledge Day.
3. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the words from task 1.
One of the important parts of school life is after-school activities. They gather everyone around and students get a chance to perform dances or songs and develop their other skills besides schoolwork. There are also festivals where they can hold exhibitions or different shows. Parents often come to school to see their children's hard work. Those who are creative often make decorations for school celebrations. They also make presentations on their artwork. Those students who are active may perform a play or even hold a concert. There are those days when students give presents to their teachers or hold competitions and give prizes to the winners. All in all, all of these activities can make life at school more interesting and fun for everyone.
Сторінка 18
1. Match.
1. Which lesson begins at 10:30? - Geography.
2. When do you have Graduation Day? - At the end of May.
3. Why is Jill laughing? - I told her a joke.
4. Where are you going? - To the classroom.
5. What is Bill talking about? - The experiment.
6. Who goes to the Drama Club? - Jane does.
2. Put as many questions as you can.
1. Many schools have a choir and they hold concerts.
What do many schools have?
What do schools hold?
2. Over 300 people enjoy food and activities at the festival.
How many people enjoy food and activities at the festival?
What do people enjoy at the festival?
3. Pupils are displaying their hobby collections in the Assembly Hall.
What are pupils doing in the Assembly Hall?
Where are pupils displaying their hobby?
3. Work in pairs. Ask your partner.
What are your hobbies? - My hobbies are dancing and painting.
Why do you like them? - Because it brings me happiness.
What does she need to do them? - She needs paints for painting and special clothes for dancing.
Where does she do them? - She does them at dance club and in Art club.
When does she do them? - She does dancing twice a week and painting three times a week.
Who does she do them with? - She does them with her friends.
Сторінка 19
4. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and make wh-questions in the Present Continuous, as in the example. Take turns.
What is Mike doing? - He is holding books.
What is Edda doing? - She is playing the piano.
What is Tod doing? - He is playing the drums.
What is Nick doing? - He is playing guitar.
What is Kim doing? - She is singing.
Сторінка 20
2. a) Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words.
Dave: What are you doing, Sam?
Sam: I'm signing up for the Music Club.
Dave: Oh. Who's the head of this club?
Sam: Mike is. Some people say he's a music addict, but he sings very well.
Dave: Is he in the school, too?
Sam: No, but they often ask him to perform when they hold concerts. Dave: Well, I took some guitar lessons this summer and I want to join our school band.
Sam: Good luck!
Dave: You too!
3. Work in pairs. Look at the ads on page 21 and say which club you want/don't want to join and why, as in the example. Use the phrases from the box and the words below the ads (p. 21).
I want to join Olympics Sports Club as I love sport. I think sport helps to be brave and strong. But I don't want to join Drama club as in my opinion only talented people can go there.