ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 472,
Сторінка 76
6. Доповніть речення правильними словами.
1. You sing in the school choir.
2. Jessica sings in the bathroom from morning till evening.
3. Sarah reads comics every day.
4. We read a lot of books.
5. Tom eats a lot of ice cream in summer.
6. I eat a lot of vegetables every day,
7. The shops open at 8 am.
8. The janitor opens our school before 7 o'clock every morning.
9. My computer has a lot of memory.
10. Cathy and Linda have History on Tuesday and Wednesday.
7. Доповніть речення словами із рамки.
Му name is Emma and I have got a big family. I come from Australia but we live in England because my father works for the BBC.
My two sisters study at the University and they help me with my maths homework. My mum is a doctor and she likes her job because she helps sick people. I am the youngest in my family and I still go to elementary school. I like because I have got a lot of friends there.
Сторінка 77
1. Знайдіть 11 вакансій у цьому пошуку слів. Дивись
2. Розшифруйте слова та напишіть а або an.
a flower, an ant, a train, an ocean, an umbrella, a fly, a ship, a river
Зробіть подібне завдання для свого друга.
ate - cat
plepa - appel
Сторінка 78
3. Відгадайте пропущені слова і доповніть текст.
... But he has a very busy life. His phone rings all day long because there are a lot of people in trouble.
He tries hard to help everybody and he never say no to a person in need.
He always wakes up before 5 am because he has a lot of work to do. He usually runs for an hour to clear his mind. The rest of the day he is so busy that he often doesn't have lunch or dinner.
In the morning he usually goes to suspects, he examines Evidence, and he catches criminal
The rest of the day he works undercover. Sometimes he pretends he is a kindergarten teacher and he watches little children. Sometimes he is a pilot and he navigates a plane or he is a waiter and serves meals in a restaurant. He often wears special clothes so nobody can recognise him. ... Sometimes he even works all night.
... Then he rests in front of his TV and he always watches detective films to learn new detective tricks. ...
Сторінка 79
4. Заповніть таблицю: always, never, often.
always; usually; often; sometimes; never
5. Доповніть речення словами із завдання 6.
1. I usually brush my teeth after breakfast.
2. My mum sometimes drives our family car.
3. My English, teacher always gives us homework.
4. My classmates usually make a lot of noise.
5. I never stay in the park with my friends after 10 pm.
6. I never tell a lie.
7. My dad sometimes watches football matches on TV.
8, My best friend often visits me in the morning.
6. Розставте слова у правильному порядку.
1. Monica sometimes goes to school by bus.
2. Jack never plays computer games late at night.
3. I usually have a sandwich for breakfast.
4. Tom always talks during maths classes.
7. Прочитайте сторінку із щоденника Лінди та перепишіть Ті від третьої особи.
Linda is very tired because she is very busy. Every day she has piano lessons. She does her homework for school, but she also plays the piano at least two hours every day.
She goes out only at the weekend. On other days she only talks with her friends on the phone. She tries to go to bed early because she gets up at 6 o'clock, but sometimes she stays up late because she comes home from music school after 9 pm. It is hard, but she things it's OK.
Сторінка 80
8. Доповніть речення словами із завдання 1. Не забувайте а чи an!
A doctor helps people when they are sick.
A cook prepares meals in a restaurant.
A driver drives a bus or a taxi.
A clerk works in a bank.
An actor wears a costume in a film.
A hairdresser cuts your hair.
A journalist writes for a newspaper or a magazine.
A teacher teaches kids in kindergarten or school.
A postman brings letters to you home.
A farmer grows fruit and vegetables.
A waiter serves drinks and meals in a restaurant.
ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
6. Доповніть речення правильними словами.
1. You sing in the school choir.
2. Jessica sings in the bathroom from morning till evening.
3. Sarah reads comics every day.
4. We read a lot of books.
5. Tom eats a lot of ice cream in summer.
6. I eat a lot of vegetables every day,
7. The shops open at 8 am.
8. The janitor opens our school before 7 o'clock every morning.
9. My computer has a lot of memory.
10. Cathy and Linda have History on Tuesday and Wednesday.
7. Доповніть речення словами із рамки.
Му name is Emma and I have got a big family. I come from Australia but we live in England because my father works for the BBC.
My two sisters study at the University and they help me with my maths homework. My mum is a doctor and she likes her job because she helps sick people. I am the youngest in my family and I still go to elementary school. I like because I have got a lot of friends there.
Сторінка 77
1. Знайдіть 11 вакансій у цьому пошуку слів. Дивись
2. Розшифруйте слова та напишіть а або an.
a flower, an ant, a train, an ocean, an umbrella, a fly, a ship, a river
Зробіть подібне завдання для свого друга.
ate - cat
plepa - appel
Сторінка 78
3. Відгадайте пропущені слова і доповніть текст.
... But he has a very busy life. His phone rings all day long because there are a lot of people in trouble.
He tries hard to help everybody and he never say no to a person in need.
He always wakes up before 5 am because he has a lot of work to do. He usually runs for an hour to clear his mind. The rest of the day he is so busy that he often doesn't have lunch or dinner.
In the morning he usually goes to suspects, he examines Evidence, and he catches criminal
The rest of the day he works undercover. Sometimes he pretends he is a kindergarten teacher and he watches little children. Sometimes he is a pilot and he navigates a plane or he is a waiter and serves meals in a restaurant. He often wears special clothes so nobody can recognise him. ... Sometimes he even works all night.
... Then he rests in front of his TV and he always watches detective films to learn new detective tricks. ...
Сторінка 79
4. Заповніть таблицю: always, never, often.
always; usually; often; sometimes; never
5. Доповніть речення словами із завдання 6.
1. I usually brush my teeth after breakfast.
2. My mum sometimes drives our family car.
3. My English, teacher always gives us homework.
4. My classmates usually make a lot of noise.
5. I never stay in the park with my friends after 10 pm.
6. I never tell a lie.
7. My dad sometimes watches football matches on TV.
8, My best friend often visits me in the morning.
6. Розставте слова у правильному порядку.
1. Monica sometimes goes to school by bus.
2. Jack never plays computer games late at night.
3. I usually have a sandwich for breakfast.
4. Tom always talks during maths classes.
7. Прочитайте сторінку із щоденника Лінди та перепишіть Ті від третьої особи.
Linda is very tired because she is very busy. Every day she has piano lessons. She does her homework for school, but she also plays the piano at least two hours every day.
She goes out only at the weekend. On other days she only talks with her friends on the phone. She tries to go to bed early because she gets up at 6 o'clock, but sometimes she stays up late because she comes home from music school after 9 pm. It is hard, but she things it's OK.
Сторінка 80
8. Доповніть речення словами із завдання 1. Не забувайте а чи an!
A doctor helps people when they are sick.
A cook prepares meals in a restaurant.
A driver drives a bus or a taxi.
A clerk works in a bank.
An actor wears a costume in a film.
A hairdresser cuts your hair.
A journalist writes for a newspaper or a magazine.
A teacher teaches kids in kindergarten or school.
A postman brings letters to you home.
A farmer grows fruit and vegetables.
A waiter serves drinks and meals in a restaurant.
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