ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020

icon02.09.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 408, icon0

Сторінка 81
9. Випишіть правдиві речення.
A dentist makes your teeth healthy.
A mechanic repairs your car.
A nurse works with a doctor in his surgery.
A policeman catches criminals.
A shop assistant sells things in a shop.
An astronaut flies into space.
A vet helps sick animals.
A musician plays an instrument in an orchestra.
A writer writes stories.
A computer programmer keeps new programmes.
Сторінка 82
1. Дайте відповіді на запитання. Напишіть повні речення.
1. Ted follows Mike all the time.
2. Ted plays in Mike's room.
5. Ted takes sweets without asking.
2. Напишіть don't чи doesn't.
1.The Sun doesn't go around the Earth.
2. Hippos don't live in the forest.
3. Spring doesn't begin on 21st September.
4. We don't wear coats in summer.
5. Americans don't drink a lot of tea.
6. In Australia it doesn't snow in January.
Сторінка 83
3. Зробіть ці речення заперечними.
1. I don't go to school on Saturday.
2. My mum doesn't work from 9 to 5.
3. My cousins don't live in a skyscraper.
4. You don't learn 3 hours a day.
5. Nick doesn't brushes his teeth after every meal.
6. Weren't need longer holidays.
4. Прочитайте про Петра. Тоді напишіть про Хелен.
Неlen - the horrid girl.
She doesn't help her friends.
She doesn't write her homework regularly.
She doesn't return the books to the library on time.
She doesn't get good marks.
She doesn't say "Thank you".
She visit his granny every week.
5. Зіставте та скопіюйте на сторінці 84.
You wash the dishes.
You feed you pet.
You set the table.
You take out the garbage.
You mow the grass.
You do the shopping.
You cook meals.
You iron the clothes.
You vacuum the carpet.
You make the beds.
Сторінка 84
6. Мій п'ятірка переліку домашніх справ
- It's OK when I.
1.feed my pet
2. do my bed
3. take out the garbage
4. do the shopping
5. vacuum the carpets
- I hate it when I must
1. wash the dishes
2. cook meals
3. iron the clothes
Сторінка 85
1. Викресліть (X)
washing the


three pm.
water polo
twenty to eight
half past
shop assistant

twenty past

throe am
Доповніть речення рештою слів.
Darryl is a postman. Не plays golf every Wednesday.
He likes watching TV in the evening. He goes to bed at half past 10 pm.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
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