ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020

icon02.09.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 467, icon0

Сторінка 102
1. Відсортуйте
aborigine boomerang cricket outback sheep station
bath living room attic cellar pantry
armchair cot closet curtain
peach doughnut cereals steak lettuce
2. Обведіть і напишіть правильну орфограму.
- Burglar.
- Beautiful.
- Recipe.
- Shelves.
- Delicious.
- Roller coasted.
- Neighborhood.
- Photograph.
- Apologise.
Сторінка 103
3. Зіставте та скопіюйте.
- fried -> eggs
- deep-sea > diving
- mashed -> potatoes
- home -> cinema
- table -> manners
- opera -> house
1. Розділіть слова і запишіть речення. Не забувайте про крапку (.) Або знак питання (?)
1. I am hiding behind a big tree.
2. What are you doing under the wardrobe?
3. They are not having roast chicken for lunch.
4. Is Monica showing you the photos of her family from Scotland?
5. My clumsy neighbour is fixing the root of his house alone.
6. The old ladies are playing hopscotch in the middle of the street.
2. Переписати речення.
1. She is writing a love letter, too.
2. We are making Christmas pudding, too.
3. Ted is cleaning the cellar, too.
4. Are you listening to music, too?
5. We are not celebrating her birthday either.
6. Bob and Nick are studying History for the test, top.
Сторінка 104
3. Виберіть правильні слова.
1. Every day after school I am go to the library.
2. It's three o'clock. We are having dinner.
3. Do you go to music school on Mondays?
4. They usually spend their Christmas holiday at home.
5. Why are you crying now?
6. We are visiting the sights of London today.
7. Jeremy doesn't play cricket.
8. The kids in Mike's class aren't playing dodge ball today.
1. Прочитайте. Потім встановіть прапорець true або false щодо тверджень на наступній сторінці.
1. Inspector J is working in his office. False
2. Two old ladies are talking to each other. False
3. The clerk is bored. True
4. The woman has got a blue bag. False
5. There is a big plant behind the young man. True
6. Three men are entering the bank. False
Сторінка 105
1. Подивіться на піраміду їжі. Поговоримо про неї.
- The healthiest food is the food that contains a lot of vitamins. Fruit, vegetables, cereals, nuts, fish and meat.
- We must avoid eating junky food, crisps and a lot of sweets.
- To be healthy we must eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do sports!
- don't sometimes I eat unhealthy food, like crisps, pizza.
-I exercise 2 or 3 times per week.
1. Напишіть рецепт страви, яку можна приготувати. Намалюйте його зображення.
Ingredients: 50 g of butter, 150 g of flour, 30 ml of water,
50 g of sugar, 15 g of baking soda, 3 big apples, 3 eggs.
- Preheat the oven to 220°C
- Slice the apples.
- Melt the butter add it to the flour.
- Mix eggs with sugar and add this substance to the flour with butter and soda.
- Fill the pan with apples and pour the liquid over them, - Bake for 30-40, minutes.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
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