ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020

icon02.09.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 287, icon0

Сторінка 4
1. Подивіться на сітку та дайте відповіді на запитання.
Where is the backpack? > A3
Where is the mobile phone? -> B1
Where are the scissors? -> D2
«Where is the notebook? -> СЗ
Where is the sandwich? -> B2
Where is the rubber? > B2
Where is the sharpener? -> D1
Where is the comic book? -> A1
Where are the earphones? -> C1
Where is the chewing gum?
Where are the crisps? -> D3
Where are the slippers? -> B1
Where is the dictionary? -> B3
Where is the globe? -> C2
Where is the desk? -> A2
Where is the toothbrush? -> D1
Where is the camera? -> D2
Where is the watch? -> C3
Сторінка 5
2. Відсортуйте слова із завдання 1.
Things I usually bring to school: backpack, pencil-case, pen, pencil, rubber, books, notebooks, sharpener, scissors, mobile phone, sandwich, dictionary, the watch.
Things I do not bring to school: earphones, slippers, comic book, chewing gum, crisps, the globe, desk, toothbrush, and camera.
3. Розставте слова у правильному порядку.
1) Can you say it again, please?
2) May I go out?
3) What do we have for homework?
4) Sorry I am late.
5) Here you are.
6) What does mean "dangerous”?
7) How do you say «думати» in English?
8) I've finished!

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
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