ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020

icon02.09.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 467, icon0

Сторінка 11
3. Розшифруйте та впорядкуйте.
4. Заповніть власний розклад на тиждень.
1. Math’s
2. Art
3. Music
4. Ukrainian
Сторінка 12
5. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. How many subjects have you got? -> We have got 10 subjects.
2. What is your first lesson on Monday? -> The first lesson Monday is Maths.
3. What is your second lesson on Thursday? -> It's Mathis.
4. What is your third lesson on Tuesday? -> It's PE.
5. What is your fourth lessen on Wednesday? -> It's Music.
6. What is your last lesson on Friday? -> It's Maths.
6. Складіть ідеальний розклад на тиждень.
7. Зіставте та скопіюйте.
1. Mike's first week at school is fine.
2. His timetable is horrible.
3. Math’s is the first lesson on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday arid Friday.
4. Mr. Finch the Math’s teacher is strict.
5. Mike's form teacher is young and pretty.
6. Mrs. Pitt is Mike's History teacher.
7. Mrs. Pitt is unusual because her is pink.
Сторінка 13
8. Обведіть Правильне слово.
1. Му best friend is Molly.
2. We are helping our mother.
3. Peter cannot find his glasses.
4. Who is your best PE teacher?
5. Jack and John are twins. They have got a sister, too.
6. Where is our classroom?
7. Peter is bad at History, but he is good at Math’s.
8. Look at that house. Its roof is pink!
9. Judy is hard working but her sister is lazy.
10. I know this girl. She is my neighbor.
9. Зістав пару.
1. I am at school. -> My mum is at work.
2. You have got a brother. -> Your brother is lazy.
3. He is a teacher. -> His pupils are naughty.
4. She has got a pet. -> Her dog is called Mink.
5. It is a lovely car. -> Its types are very big.
6. We have got a big house -> Our neighbors are nice.
7. They have got a lot of homework -> Their homework is easy.
10. Запишіть ці цифри поруч зі словами.
Eight hundred and twenty-seven -> 827
A thousand -> 1000
Four hundred and seventy-two -> 472
Ninety -> 90
Eight hundred and seventy-two -> 872
Seven hundred and forty-two -> 742
Nineteen -> 19
Сторінка 14
11. Ти добре володієш математикою? Перетвори ці математичні обчислення в цифри і знайді результати. Скільки ти можеш зробити правильно за 5 хвилин?
1. two hundred and sixty-seven minus fourteen is 267 - 14 = 253
2. a thousand divided by 25 is 1000 : 25 = 40
3. three hundred and eighty-nine plus eighteen is 389 + 18 = 407
4. seven times nine is 7 * 9 = 63
5. seventy-nine plus one hundred and forty-four is 79 + 144 = 223
6. thirty-eight times two is 38 * 2 = 76
7. eighty-five minus sixteen is 85 - 16 = 69
8. one hundred and eighty-five divided by five is 185 : 5 = 37
9. a thousand minus two hundred ninety is 1000 - 290 = 710
12. Напишіть подібне завдання для свого друга.
1. Five hundred and fifty minus eleven
2. One hundred divided by twenty.
3. Six times six is..
4. eighteen рІus eighty-eight
5. seven hundred minus fifty-one
6. two hundred minus fifty-one
7. thirty-five times two
8. five times nine
9. A thousand divided by two
13. Порівняй.
Eleventh -> 11th
Fifty-third 53rd
First -> 1st
Twenty-fourth > 24th
Sixty-second -> 62nd
Hundredth -> 100th
Сторінка 15
Розставте речення у правильному порядку, щоб правильно зрозуміти цей жарт з математики.
1. Teacher: If I give you two rabbits, two rabbits, and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?
2. Paddy: Seven!
3. Teacher: No, listen carefully again. If I give you two rabbits, two rabbits, and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?
4. Paddy: Seven!
5. Teacher: Let us try this another way. If I give you two apples, two apples, and another two apples, how many apples have you got?
6. Paddy: Six.
7. Teacher: Good. Now if I give you two rabbits, two rabbits, and another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?
8. Paddy: Seven!
9. Teacher: How on earth do you work out that three lots of two rabbits is seven?
10. Paddy: I've already got one rabbit at home now!

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