ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020

icon02.09.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 467, icon0

Сторінка 6
1. Заповнити пропущеними словами.
Mike: Ні! Му name is Michael,... but I'm not a body. ... fifth form this year.
I have got a big family. ...a big sister and a little brother. ... but my aunt and uncle from Australia... - a parrot called Lilly. ...
Computer games are my hobby. ... computer about 3 hours a day.
My best friend, Pete, ...
interested in sport and we are...
Cathy: My surname is Roberts. ... but my birthday is in...
I'm a bit lazy sometimes.
... not an only child. ... pet because our flat very big. ... got a lot of cuddly all... have got names.
... the same hobby - we collect ... I've got 3 full albums.
...of a karate club... favorite free-time activity.
Сторінка 7
2. Закінчіть речення. Використання: at / in / about.
I am Ethan. I am not crazy about school. I am bad at Math’s, but I am very good at English. My hobby is fishing. Actually, I am Crazy about fishing. I am also interested in sports, especially skiing. I am not very good at skiing, but I am sure I can learn.
3. Прочитайте текст і виправте наведені нижче твердження.
1) Lynn is not 12. She is 10.
2) Her birthday is not in October. Her birthday in May.
3) Her surname is not McDonald. Her surname is Me Murphy.
4) She does not have two good friends in America. She has got two good friends in English.
5) Lynn's favorite free-time activity is not dancing. Her favorite free time activity is swimming.
6) Lynn hasn't got 3 sisters. She has got 3 brothers.
Сторінка 8
4. Напишіть розповідь про Бориса.
This is Borys. His surname is Kosenko. He is 11. He is from Ukraine. His birthday is in February. His favorite free-time activity is watching TV. His hobby is collecting Comics.
Borys has got small family. He has got one sister.
5. Пишіть am / am not / is / is not / are / aren't / have got / haven’t got / has go / hasn’t got щоб отримати правдиву історію про вас.
I am a boy. I haven't got a nickname. I am 10 years old. I am no lazy and I am not a bad pupil, rave got a big family. I have got a sister. My mother isn't very strict. She is angry when I get a bad mark at school. My father is cool. His hobbies are football and cars. I have got a good grandmother.
Сторінка 9
6. Перепишіть речення в довгій формі.
A. 1. I am lazy.
2. Му sister is angry with me.
3. We are from London.
4. He is my best friend.
5. They are not in my class.
6. My birthday is not in November.
1. We have not got cousins in America.
2. She has got a funny nickname.
3. I have got a lot of friends.
4. My uncle has got a black belt in karate.
5. He has not got a sister.
6. They have got an interesting hobby.
7. Зробіть ці речення заперечними.
А. 1. We are not lazy.
2. Sally is not my sister.
3. Jack and Pat are not my neighbors.
4. I am not friendly.
5. It is not hot.
6. You are not late for school.
1. He has not got a guitar.
2. We have riot got an aunt in New York.
3. I have not got a new bike.
4. Cathy has not got a big family.
5. You have not got your homework.
6. My dog has not got long ears.
Сторінка 10
1. Відсортуйте ці слова:
HISTORY: years, past, heroes, battles.
SCIENCE: nature, plants, animals, experiments
MATHS: multiply, divide, subtract, add, numbers
GEOGRAPHY: lakes, continents, globe, rivers
PE: gym, playground, sneakers, game
IT: computers, chat, Internet
2. Зробіть опитування в класі.
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