ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020

icon02.09.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 348, icon0

Сторінка 21
1. Впишіть пропущені слова: am, is або are.
I am hungry, - We are naughty,
You are sad, - You are nine,
She is busy, - They are thirsty,
He is mad. - It is fine.
Hungry, sad, busy, mad, Busy, busy, mad, mad, mad.
Naughty, nine, thirsty, fine, Thirsty, thirsty, fine, fine, fine.
2. Виберіть правильні слова.
Ні! Му name is Patrick Finch. I am a Maths teacher. My pupils say I am strict, but I am not strict at all. I only think that my pupils are a little bit lazy. Some pupils are even afraid of me, but I am an ordinary person - like anybody else. I have got a lot of hobbies, For example, computer games. I am in front of my computer only hour a day. I am hot in front of it the whole day, like some of my pupils. I also read comics. My favorite comic is Inspector J. It is really great, because you are a detective, too, and you help Inspector Good for my brain!
I have got a lot of friends, too. Mark and Peter are my best friends. But we aren't very similar. For example, they like bungee jumping and for me it is scary. Mark is a PE teacher and Peter isn't a teacher. He is a vet. He has got a little zoo at home.
My favourite free-time activity isn't doing mathematical calculations, but rollerblading. A Maths teacher on rollerblades!!! Why not! You see, teachers are ordinary people, so don't be afraid of them.
Сторінка 22
3. Розшифруйте питання і дайте на них відповіді так, ніби ви були пан Фінч.
1. Are you strict? -> No, I am not.
2. Are some pupils afraid of you? -> Yes, they are.
3. Is your favorite comic Inspector Q? -> Yes, it is.
4. Have you got a lot of friends? -> Yes, I have.
5. Is your friend Peter a teacher? -> No, hasn't.
6. Has Mark got a little zoo at home? -> No, he hasn't.
7. Is your favourite hobby rollerblading? -> Yes, it is.
8. Are teachers ordinary people? -> Yes, they are.
Сторінка 23
3. Перепишіть ці речення. Використовуй: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
1. His skateboard is blue.
2. Our house is big.
3. Their two dogs are little.
4. Her best friend is Erica.
5. My bike is new.
6. Your history teacher is strict.
7. Its name is Poppy.
8. His form teacher is new.
1. З'ясуйте це.
Хобі Кеті - збирати наклейки. У її альбомі 524 наклейки. Лінда дарує 14 нових наклейок із зображеннями тварин. Натомість Кеті дарує їй ще 18 наклейок зі свого альбому. Коли мама Кеті приходить додому, вона приносить нові наклейки і каже: "У мене тут десять наклейок. Вони для вас обох, тому, будь ласка, розділіть їх порівну". І дівчата так роблять.
Calculation: 524 + 14 - 18 +5
Answer: 525 - five hundred twenty-five
Сторінка 24
1. Розкажіть про Емі.
This is Amy. Her surname is Jordan. She is eleven. She is from Canada. She has got a big family. She has got one brother and two sisters. Her favorite school subject is Music. Her hobbies are roller skating and listening to music. Her best friend's name is Anna.
Сторінка 25
1. У цьому пошуку слів ховається 15 слів. Знайди їх. Усі вони стосуються сім'ї. Запишіть їх.
Напишіть інші літери, щоб завершити це запитання: What is your family name?
Відповідай на питання:
Му family name is Kravets.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
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