ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О., Блажевич С.] 2020
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 467,
Сторінка 116
5. Розділіть слова, щоб отримати речення. Потім перепишіть речення.
1. Linda watched an interesting film last nighty.
2. Four days ago my little brother painted my sneakers red.
3. It snowed a lot last year.
4. Mike and Pete smashed the neighbour's window with a ball yesterday.
5. You visited your aunt and uncle last Saturday.
6. We tidied up the house a week ago.
7. I studied for the test the whole weekend.
8. He stoppend watching the film because there was no electricity.
6. Закінчіть речення. Використовуй:
Вчора група неслухнянихдітей була у парку. Вони поводились по-справжньому погано.
1. Jack and Kyle climbed the tree.
2. Jessica dropped an empty plastic bottle into the fountain.
3. Denis emptied the garbage from the bin.
4. Chris squirted little children with a water gun.
5. James and Nick turned the bench upside down.
6. Rebecca shouted at an old lady.
7. Stewart kicked his school bag like a ball.
8. Lilly pulled the cat by its tail.
Сторінка 117
7. Дайте пораду хлопчикам і дівчаткам із завдання б.
You mustn't behave really badly.
You must behave good and respect old people.
8. Доповніть розповідь правильною формою слів.
.... First I watched a horror film. It was so scary that I stopped watching it in the middle of the film. Then I listened to some music and I played games on my Play Station.
Suddenly, somebody knocked at the door. I looked through the keyhole, shouted loudly. "Heeelp!" I opened the window, but everything was quiet and I couldn't see anything.
"You are next," somebody told behind me. "Oh, no! There's no way out!" I was terrified. But at that moment the phone started ringing. It was my dad.
... "Ha, ha, ha! Not a horror film again!" he just laughed?..
9. Перетворіть ці речення в минулому.
І. Yesterday I visited my granny.
2. Last Saturday my neighbour washed his car.
3. Two days ago she cried when she watched a sad film.
4. Last week they worked from 9 to 5.
5. Last winter it snowed a lot here.
6. Last Christmas we prepared a party.
Сторінка 118
1. Два слова в кожному реченні помінялися місцями. Підкресліть їх. Перепишіть правильну версію.
Everything was upside down that morning in Cathy's neighbourhood.
Brian, the town baker, forgot to set his alarm clock, so nobody had fresh bread for breakfast that morning.
Mrs Diamond's supermarket was closed because the shop assistants had a bad cough and a high temperature.
Mr Peters, the postman, went on a trip so nobody got the mail that morning.
Police officer Jenkins and his policemen ate some bad sandwiches and they had such a terrible stomachache that they all went home.
Dr Watson broke his leg on his way to work, so nurse Betty took him immediately to hospital.
AII the teachers had measles and they were full of spots.
The headmaster lost his keys somewhere so he couldn't get out of his own house.
Nobody opened the school that day and the kids waited, and waited ... Finally the kids decided to fix things and they took the roles of their parents. What a day it was!
Сторінка 119
2. Напишіть, де це можна почути.
1. In the bakery.
2. At the hotel.
3. At the library
4. At the car repair shop.
5. At the police.
6. At the museum.
7. At hospital.
8. At the market.
3. На що скаржаться пацієнти?
О, докторе! Будь ласка, допоможіть!
1 .I need ten packets of hankies a day. I have a snuffle/running nose.
2. I can't write. I have a pain in my arm.
3. I feel I have a ton of iron on my head. I have a headache.
4. I can't talk or drink anything cold.
5. I have a sore throat, betook like a leopard. I'm all spotty. I have measles.
4. Зробіть кросворд.
Сторінка 120
5. Відсортуйте.
- watched
- worked
- knocked
- helped
- laughed
- started
- looked
- live
- smiled
- tried
- cried
- stopped
- pulled
- opened
- cleaned
- wanted
- made
- lost
- ate
- went
- got
- drank
- took
- broke
- came
- had
- fell
- gave
- wrote
- read
- saw
- forgot
- was
- were
а) Прочитайте оповідання. Як називається оповідання?
The Princess and the Pea
b) Перетворіть історію в минулому. Завдання 5 може вам допомогти.
In a faraway kingdom there lived a queen, a king and their son, the prince. He wanted to marry a real princess and he tried to find one, but no luck.
But one day a beautiful princess got lost in the woods. A storm started and she had nowhere to hide. She saw a light and come to the castle. She knocked at the door. The servants opened the door. The queen gave the girl a bed with twenty mattresses to sleep on. Under the mattresses there was a pea because the queen wanted to see if the girl was a real princess. In the morning the princess looked tired. The queen smiled: "You really are a princess!" So the prince and the princess got married and lived happily ever after.
ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас 2020 Робочий зошит Зошит Либра Терра Карпюк Блажевич
5. Розділіть слова, щоб отримати речення. Потім перепишіть речення.
1. Linda watched an interesting film last nighty.
2. Four days ago my little brother painted my sneakers red.
3. It snowed a lot last year.
4. Mike and Pete smashed the neighbour's window with a ball yesterday.
5. You visited your aunt and uncle last Saturday.
6. We tidied up the house a week ago.
7. I studied for the test the whole weekend.
8. He stoppend watching the film because there was no electricity.
6. Закінчіть речення. Використовуй:
Вчора група неслухнянихдітей була у парку. Вони поводились по-справжньому погано.
1. Jack and Kyle climbed the tree.
2. Jessica dropped an empty plastic bottle into the fountain.
3. Denis emptied the garbage from the bin.
4. Chris squirted little children with a water gun.
5. James and Nick turned the bench upside down.
6. Rebecca shouted at an old lady.
7. Stewart kicked his school bag like a ball.
8. Lilly pulled the cat by its tail.
Сторінка 117
7. Дайте пораду хлопчикам і дівчаткам із завдання б.
You mustn't behave really badly.
You must behave good and respect old people.
8. Доповніть розповідь правильною формою слів.
.... First I watched a horror film. It was so scary that I stopped watching it in the middle of the film. Then I listened to some music and I played games on my Play Station.
Suddenly, somebody knocked at the door. I looked through the keyhole, shouted loudly. "Heeelp!" I opened the window, but everything was quiet and I couldn't see anything.
"You are next," somebody told behind me. "Oh, no! There's no way out!" I was terrified. But at that moment the phone started ringing. It was my dad.
... "Ha, ha, ha! Not a horror film again!" he just laughed?..
9. Перетворіть ці речення в минулому.
І. Yesterday I visited my granny.
2. Last Saturday my neighbour washed his car.
3. Two days ago she cried when she watched a sad film.
4. Last week they worked from 9 to 5.
5. Last winter it snowed a lot here.
6. Last Christmas we prepared a party.
Сторінка 118
1. Два слова в кожному реченні помінялися місцями. Підкресліть їх. Перепишіть правильну версію.
Everything was upside down that morning in Cathy's neighbourhood.
Brian, the town baker, forgot to set his alarm clock, so nobody had fresh bread for breakfast that morning.
Mrs Diamond's supermarket was closed because the shop assistants had a bad cough and a high temperature.
Mr Peters, the postman, went on a trip so nobody got the mail that morning.
Police officer Jenkins and his policemen ate some bad sandwiches and they had such a terrible stomachache that they all went home.
Dr Watson broke his leg on his way to work, so nurse Betty took him immediately to hospital.
AII the teachers had measles and they were full of spots.
The headmaster lost his keys somewhere so he couldn't get out of his own house.
Nobody opened the school that day and the kids waited, and waited ... Finally the kids decided to fix things and they took the roles of their parents. What a day it was!
Сторінка 119
2. Напишіть, де це можна почути.
1. In the bakery.
2. At the hotel.
3. At the library
4. At the car repair shop.
5. At the police.
6. At the museum.
7. At hospital.
8. At the market.
3. На що скаржаться пацієнти?
О, докторе! Будь ласка, допоможіть!
1 .I need ten packets of hankies a day. I have a snuffle/running nose.
2. I can't write. I have a pain in my arm.
3. I feel I have a ton of iron on my head. I have a headache.
4. I can't talk or drink anything cold.
5. I have a sore throat, betook like a leopard. I'm all spotty. I have measles.
4. Зробіть кросворд.
Сторінка 120
5. Відсортуйте.
- watched
- worked
- knocked
- helped
- laughed
- started
- looked
- live
- smiled
- tried
- cried
- stopped
- pulled
- opened
- cleaned
- wanted
- made
- lost
- ate
- went
- got
- drank
- took
- broke
- came
- had
- fell
- gave
- wrote
- read
- saw
- forgot
- was
- were
а) Прочитайте оповідання. Як називається оповідання?
The Princess and the Pea
b) Перетворіть історію в минулому. Завдання 5 може вам допомогти.
In a faraway kingdom there lived a queen, a king and their son, the prince. He wanted to marry a real princess and he tried to find one, but no luck.
But one day a beautiful princess got lost in the woods. A storm started and she had nowhere to hide. She saw a light and come to the castle. She knocked at the door. The servants opened the door. The queen gave the girl a bed with twenty mattresses to sleep on. Under the mattresses there was a pea because the queen wanted to see if the girl was a real princess. In the morning the princess looked tired. The queen smiled: "You really are a princess!" So the prince and the princess got married and lived happily ever after.
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